
  1. 尽管新项目的核心内容与双中心的embaglobal项目很像,但在香港教授的选修课将会具有本地特色。

    Although the core of the new programme is very similar to the two-centre EMBA global , the electives taught in Hong Kong will have a local flavour .

  2. 北京的京A啤酒酿造作坊的老板来自美国康涅狄格州和加拿大多伦多,他们将美国风味与本地特色结合起来,供应工人淡色啤酒、空气大爆表双IPA和京城特白小麦啤酒。

    At the Jing-A Brewing Taproom in Beijing , the owners , transplants from Connecticut and Toronto , serve American-inspired beers with local flair , including Worker 's Pale Ale , Airpocalypse Double IPA and Mandarin Wheat .

  3. 萨格勒布的很多餐馆提供不同风味的特色菜,有本地特色美食,也有各国佳肴。

    Many of the Zagreb restaurants offer various specialties of national and international cuisine .

  4. 与强大的本地特色模式是非常受欢迎,当时的外国人。

    Patterns with strong local features were very popular among foreigners at that time .

  5. 开发本地特色资源种植生产无污染饲料,消除食物链源头污染。

    Develop unique local resources cultivation producing clean feed to eliminate food chain source pollution .

  6. 目的探索具有本地特色的社区家庭护理服务的组织管理模式和运作机制。

    Objective To explore organizational management mold and functional systems of family nursing service available for our district .

  7. 针对这个目标,本文提出了数字图书馆本地特色资源管理和集成服务的课题。

    In response to this goal , this paper presented digital library local characteristic resource management and integrated service issues .

  8. 资深厨师为您奉上以正宗粤菜为主、综合本地特色的菜肴和久负盛名的上海美食。

    Our talented chefs will provide you with orthodox school Guangdong food , together with local specialties and renown Shanghai delicacies .

  9. 同时也凝聚了元阳的本地特色,是不可多得的旅游资源。

    Meanwhile , this traditional ecological cultural cohesion the local characteristics of Yuan yang , and it was a rare tourist resource .

  10. 各种各样的旅游节庆风起云涌,全国各地几乎每一个地区都推出了具有本地特色的旅游节庆活动。

    A variety of tourism festivals , surging across the country almost every region have launched a tourism festival activities with local characteristics .

  11. 主要建议是根据大连市实际情况建议具有本地特色的机动车驾驶员培训管理模式。

    The main recommendations are based on actual situation of Dalian city that have local characteristics of the motor vehicle driver training management model .

  12. 另外,这家游戏开发商也创办了一个跳蚤市场,让员工体验这个热衷古玩市场的城市的一丝本地特色。

    The games developer hosts a flea market , too , as a touch of local flavour in a city that adores antiques markets .

  13. 在这里留存了大量的名胜古迹,并成为具有本地特色的历史文化资源。

    Here retained many places of historic interest and scenic beauty , and has become the local characteristics of the historical and cultural resources .

  14. 本文以聊城市为例,根据聊城民俗文化旅游资源特色,试着探索出适合聊城本地特色的民俗文化资源开发模式和产品特色。

    This paper takes Liaocheng as an example to explore the development model and product features which are suitable for the local folk culture characteristics .

  15. 建议各地在开展乡村医疗卫生服务要因地制宜,抓住本地特色建立适合自己的管理体制。

    Suggestions in developing the country around medical health service to adjust measures to local conditions , seize the local characteristics for their own management system established .

  16. 酒店餐厅可提供粤菜、湘菜以及本地特色菜肴,可满足各类中高档商务宴请、会议接待。

    The hotel 's restaurant offers Cantonese food , Hunan food and local characteristics of dishes to meet all kinds of high-grade business dinner , conference reception .

  17. 如何更好地集中管理各类本地特色数字资源,提供一站式的集成服务,是当前数字图书馆发展的方向和目标。

    How to better centralized management of all types of digital resources , providing one-stop integrated service is the direction of current digital library development and goal .

  18. 如此强调这件事,似乎有些奇怪,除非你仔细考虑过城市的复兴策略。利物浦复兴策略的基础混合了本地特色与全球投资,是典型的21世纪风格。

    The emphasis seems a little odd , until you consider the city 's regeneration strategy , which rests on a characteristically21st-century mix of the local and the global .

  19. 在这个大前提下,人们又依据现实环境在无形中改造着理想,营造出具有本地特色的婚姻家庭生活环境。

    Under this pretext , people were intangibly transforming their ideals in accordance with the reality , creating a concept of marriage and family life endowed with local characteristics .

  20. 在酒店的经营和设计风格中突出养生主题、同时融入象山本地特色的塔山文化、炼丹传说,成为独具特色的多元化高端休闲度假酒店。

    To highlight health topics in the hotel business and design , also integrate into the local characteristics of Ta-shan culture , alchemy legend , a unique diversified high-end resorts .

  21. 如此强调这件事,似乎有些奇怪,除非你仔细考虑过城市的复兴策略。利物浦的复兴策略的基础是一个典型的21世纪本地特色与全球投资的混合体。

    The emphasis seems a little odd , until you consider the city 's regeneration strategy , which rests on a characteristically 21st-century mix of the local and the global .

  22. 现实的选择是必须在遵循立法的指导思想和坚持立法的基本原则的基础上,根据立法依据尽快制定符合本地特色的防治条例。

    Through investigation , first of what should be done was that the regulation of AIDS prevention and cure which accords with local characteristic must be established as soon as possible .

  23. 县级区域的生态建设规划必须结合本地特色,统筹兼顾,实现经济的可持续发展必须以生态优先考虑原则,将经济、社会与环境三者协调统一起来,才为人民生活创造优美的生活环境。

    The economy , society and environment should be taken in harmony with the principle of taking ecological environment into first consideration , and then a beautiful living environment will be achieved .

  24. 青岛结合自己当地优势,开展了具体有本地特色,经贸与文化相互促进,以获得经济利益和社会利益的节庆活动。

    Qingdao has carried out the festive events which posses the specific local feather trade and culture promoting each other in order to obtain direct and indirect economic benefits and social benefits .

  25. 首先,网站应加强本地特色内容建设,以办好本地新闻频道和服务频道赢得本省电视观众的关注。

    First of all , the site should build strong local characteristic content , to run local news channels and local television service channels well and then win the attention of the local audiences .

  26. 此外,餐厅还提供海南鸡饭、香煎马胶鱼等本地特色美食,让您有更多的选择。

    In addition , the restaurant also provides some local characteristic foods such as Poached Hainan Chicken Rice , Pan Fry Mackerel Fish Fillet and so on . Then you will have some more choice .

  27. 在环境景观建设中越来越注重艺术与环境的融合,具有本地特色的文化广场、公园、生活小区等随着城市建设的步伐迅速发展着。

    In the environmental landscape construction more and more attention to art and the environment fusion . The local characteristics of the cultural square , parks , community life with the rapid development of city construction .

  28. 通过自己运营的应用商店,提供具有本地特色的应用、服务和内容。它们的这种参与,使谷歌没能成为中国市场智能手机用户增长的一个主要受益方。”

    providing local featured apps , services and content through app stores that they themselves operate . This participation is preventing Google from being a major beneficiary of smartphone user growth in the China market . "

  29. 最后,本文提出了建设济南金融商务中心区的政策建议,包括巩固实体经济基础、引进优秀人才、发展本地特色金融、加大政策扶持等。

    At last , get the conclusion of this article and policy suggestions , including to consolidating the basis of the real economy , promote the inflow of talent , develop local special finance and intensify policy support .

  30. 2加大力度培育主导产业,以主导产业为契机带向相关产业发展,拉伸蔬菜产业链条,集中优势资源打造适宜凌源本地特色的蔬菜产业。

    Intensify cultivation leading industries , and to the opportunity of leading industry with the development of related industries , drawing vegetable production chain , and focus on superior resources to build appropriate local characteristics of the vegetable industry Lingyuan .