
  • 网络inculturation
  1. 第五章:社会环境成本本位化机制探讨。

    Chapter 5 : Discussion of social environmental cost standardization mechanism .

  2. 整合营销的理念顺应了市场的变化情况,能够有效解决市场反应迟钝、部门本位化等问题。

    Integrated marketing concept to the market changes , can effectively address market reaction retardation , sector-based , and other issues .

  3. 作者指出:法治意义的重新被强调、科学主义的迅速衰落是导致刑法客观主义的本位化以及知识融合的提前。

    The author declares that the re-emphasis on the significance of law administration and rapid declination of scientism are the presupposition resulting in departmentalization of criminal objectivism and knowledge blending .

  4. 通过对浙江省工业污染的计算,应用环境经济学的理论思想,提出了社会环境成本本位化的观点。以达到促进清洁生产的广泛应用,尽可能的消除工业社会所带来的环境影响的目的。

    Through the calculation for Zhejiang province industrial pollution , the article have made the viewpoint of social environmental cost standardization to promote the extensive application of clean production and eliminate the environmental influence caused by industrial society as possible , applying the theoretical thought of environmental economy .

  5. 浅谈能力本位的模块化课程建设

    On Mold Curriculum Construction of Ability Basis

  6. 基于能力本位的项目化教学设计的向度&《马克思主义基本原理概论》教学改革的思考

    Dimensions of the Competence-based Projectized Instruction Design : An overview of the teaching reform of Marxism Theory

  7. 以官本位、机构化为特征的中国传统国有商业银行制度,与以企业制、市场化为特征的现代商业银行制度相比,其制度劣势已严重影响其生存和综合竞争力的提升。

    As a result , we ought to strengthen the reform of the state owned commercial banks toward market orientation in order to promote their effectiveness and competitive power .

  8. 产权本位是产权市场化的基本前提,产权市场化是我国国有企业制度创新的根本方向。

    Ownership standard is the essential premise of marketable owner - ship and marketable ownership is radical direction of the institutional innovation of the corporations .

  9. 其二是通过多元智能理论而教,探讨该理论指导下的主题教学和多元呈现方式,然后介绍了多元智能理论与小学英语教学的智能本位评估和情景化评估。

    The other is " teach through Multiple intelligences " which probes into " theme teaching " in the frame of MI and the multiple ways of presentation . Secondly this chapter also introduces the assessments system depending on the Multiple Intelligences Theory .

  10. 本文从合同制度的变迁入手,分析了现代合同从个人本位到社会本位的社会化过程和从经济利益考虑到生态利益考虑的生态化过程。

    This article analyzes the ecological process of modern contract , from the individual viewpoint to the social viewpoint and from the economical benefits to the ecological benefits .

  11. 实物本位终将为信用本位所取代,货币本位的虚拟化不可避免。

    The physical standard will absolutely be replaced by the credit standard , and the virtualization of currency standard is inevitable .