
jiā huì
  • 名词/动词benefit
嘉惠 [jiā huì]
  • [favor;benefit] 敬辞,称别人所给予的恩惠

  • 致君之嘉惠,是寡君既受贶也。--《左传.昭公七年》

  • 承蒙嘉惠,不胜感激

  1. 尼泊尔「全国维他命A计划」将嘉惠数百万名儿童,并对他们的健康和营养造成莫大的影响。

    Nepal 's National Vitamin A program will benefit millions of children and make a life-saving difference in their health and nutrition .

  2. 此平衡将长期嘉惠予化学品制造厂商、进口商、使用者、中小型企业、消费大众、健康及环境。

    This balance will be to the long-term benefit of chemicals manufacturers , importers , users , small and medium sized enterprises , consumers and for health and the environment .

  3. 创立了品牌之后,为了企业的更好的、更长远的发展,还要有名牌意识,实施名牌战略是西安嘉惠药业品牌发展的方向。

    To develop well the enterprise should have the consciousness of famous brand and execute strategy of famous brand .

  4. 本文从图书馆文化认知功能的视角,就当前如何正确认识图书馆、复合图书馆、将图书馆搬回家、小馆办大事及嘉惠士林等问题,进行了评述。

    At the angle of cultural cognizing function of library , the paper reviews the academic topics of how to correctly understand libraries , hybrid library , removing the library , letting small library do great invents , giving scholars the benefits of libraries , etc.