
  • 网络Kingdom of Egypt
  1. 这处令人叹为观止的墓葬群遗址坐落在古埃及王国首都的周围,包括岩石墓、雕墓,庙宇和金字塔。

    The capital of the Old Kingdom of Egypt has some extraordinary funerary monuments , including rock tombs , ornate mastabas , temples and pyramids .

  2. 一组工作人员偶然发现了一间密室里存放着许多画,这些画可以追溯到20世纪早期的埃及王国时期。

    A group of workers have stumbled across a hidden room containing hundreds of paintings believed to date back to the Kingdom of Egypt of the early twentieth century .

  3. 职业烘焙师这个职业至少可追溯到公元前3000年,那时古埃及王国还处于繁盛时期。

    Professional bakers have been around at least as far back as 3000 B.C.E. , when the ancient Egyptian empire was flourishing .

  4. 他的将领托勒密二世占领了埃及王国,这非常非常重要,因为埃及是古代最富庶的地区之一。

    His general Ptolemy II got the Kingdom of Egypt , which was very , very important because Egypt was one of the wealthiest parts of the ancient world .

  5. 古代埃及新王国时期的维西尔

    The Vizier of the New Kingdom in Ancient Egypt

  6. 古埃及新王国时期的婚姻生活

    Marriage in the New Kingdom of Ancient Egypt

  7. 埃及古王国时期(公元前3000年)并没有正式的法官,案件都是由祭司和文职人员审理的。

    During the old kingdom in ancient Egypt ( 3000 B.C.E. ) , there were no official judges , but cases were tried before priests and scribes .

  8. 卡那克神庙是埃及新王国时期宗教活动的中心,而且在埃及政治、经济、文化中发挥着巨大的作用。

    Karnak Temple is central to religion in Egyptian society during the New Kingdom , and it plays an important part on politics 、 economy and civilization .

  9. 这尊模特是在埃及新王国时期雕刻的,但是我们不知道它是谁,也不知道为什么要制作它,因为它上面没有象形文字可参考。

    The model was carved during the New Kingdom Period but we do not know who it is or why it was made because there are no hieroglyphics on it .

  10. 摩亨佐-达罗是铜器时代印度河流域最大的城市,当时也正是古埃及中王国兴盛时期。

    [ " Gaming in Mohenjo-daro & an Archaeology of Unities " ] It was the largest Bronze Age urban settlement in the region , thriving at the same time as the ancient Egyptian Middle Kingdom .

  11. 古城底比斯是古埃及中新王国时代的首都,是供奉太阳神阿蒙神之城。

    Thebes , the city of the god Amon , was the capital of Egypt during the period of the Middle and New Kingdoms .

  12. 十三朝古都,是中国建都最早、时最长、代最多的古都,国务院首批公布的历史文化名城。古城底比斯是古埃及中新王国时代的首都,是供奉太阳神阿蒙神之城。

    It 's also an ancient capital of thirteen dynasties . Thebes , the city of the god Amon , was the capital of Egypt during the period of the Middle and New Kingdoms .

  13. 然而,最后1500年间的埃及文明只不过是曾辉煌过的埃及王国的影子而已。

    But the last I , 500 years of Egyptian civilization was only a shadow of the former glory of the kingdom .

  14. 托勒密二世占领了埃及,在那儿建立了自己的希腊式埃及王国,有时候会用叙利亚帝国,或者希腊-叙利亚帝国,或者直接希腊帝国。

    Ptolemy II took Egypt and set up his own sort of Greco-Egyptian kingdom there , sometimes you 'll hear us talk about the Syrian Empire or the Greco Syrian Empire , or simply the Greek Empire .