
  1. 上宅遗址的发现与发掘,一定程度上填补了北方草原文化与中原文化间的空白。

    The excavation of Shangzhai site fills up the cultural blank between the Northern Grassland and Central Plains .

  2. 去年呢,又迷上了宅船①,于是我们都得陪他住他的宅船,还得装做喜欢。

    Last year it was house-boating , and we all had to go and stay with him in his house-boat , and pretend we liked it .

  3. 决不想上曹宅去了,连个信儿也不必送,曹先生救不了祥子的命。

    He would never go to the Cao house now , nor did he even send them word , for Mr. Cao could not save him .

  4. 笔者既关注如何在理论上厘清宅基地使用权,也将视线投向国内外的大环境,力图在一个较为宏观的视域里呈现宅基地使用权应有的制度价值。

    The author is not only concerned about how to clarify the right to use house sites in theory , but also try to present the value of the system of right to use house sites in a more macro view .

  5. 并最终得出大学生宅也并不是洪水猛兽,总体上大学生对宅认知还是辩证理性的。

    And after analysis of the final draw college students " zai " is not a scourge , the overall college students in the house of the attitude is quite dialectical rationality .

  6. 你上个周末就宅在家里的吧

    Didn 't you stay in last weekend though ?

  7. 从存在主义的基础概念上发展,三宅徜徉于地球与天空、生存与死亡之间,渴望从世界苦难中得到解脱。

    Grounding his conceptual fundamentals on existentialism , Miyake roams between the earth and the sky ; and birth and death , aspiring to find liberation from all worldly suffering .