
shàng ké
  • Upper shell;epitheca
上壳[shàng ké]
  1. 基于MDT特征参数化实体造型的上壳注射模CAD

    CAD of the Injection Mould for the Top Shell Based on MDT Parameterized Solid Modeling

  2. 以上壳注射模设计为例,介绍了基于MDT参数化实体造型的上壳注射模计算机辅助设计的全过程。

    With the design of the injection mould for the top shell as an example , the whole process of the computer_aided design of the injection mould for based on MDT parameterized solid modeling was stated .

  3. 吉林省南部早太古宙上壳岩地球化学特征

    Geochemical characteristics of the early Archean supracrustal rocks in Southern Jilin

  4. 变送器上壳连有热电偶烧毁保护接线。

    The transmitter is wired for up-scale thermocouple burn-out protection .

  5. 钛金属笔记型电脑上壳件冲压成形技术

    Stamp forming technology on titanium Note-Book PC case

  6. 地层主要为中太古宇-下元古宇上壳岩及古侵入体变质岩。

    The formation mainly is shell under rocks and intrusive rocks of the Archean-Proterozoic .

  7. 一个人嘴巴闭得紧紧的时候,就好像蛤蜊闭上壳,怎么也不打开。

    Clams can close their shells very tightly .

  8. 海龟绿脂海龟上壳下部的一种可食的、浅绿色胶质物质。

    An edible , gelatinous , greenish substance lying beneath the upper shell of a turtle .

  9. 吉林省桦甸&靖宇地区早太古宙上壳岩成岩环境分析

    The analysis for diagenetic conditions of the early Archean supracrustal rocks in huadian-jingyu area Jilin Province

  10. 突然,传来一声巨响,溅起无数水花,牡蛎马上合上壳,不作声了。

    Suddenly , there was a great splashing sound and the oyster closed his shell and very quickly kept quiet .

  11. 徐家堡子地区以黑云英云闪长质片麻岩(2.47Ga)为围岩的上壳岩(>2.98Ga)包体中,发育几条近东西走向的韧性变形变质带(2.7Ga)。

    Several ductile deformation metamorphism belts in E-W direction are recognized in the xenoliths ( 2.4 Ga ) of supercrust rocks ( > 2.98 Ga ) .

  12. 骄傲的牡蛎回答说:我有坚硬的壳。合上壳之后我就安全了,没有任何东西可以伤害到我。

    The proud oyster replied , I have a strong shell and I feel safe when I close my shell , for no harm can happen to me .

  13. 骄傲的牡蛎回答说:“我有坚硬的壳。合上壳之后我就安全了,没有任何东西可以伤害到我。”

    The proud oyster replied , " I have a strong shell and I feel safe when I close my shell , for no harm can happen to me . "

  14. 以高浓度的茚三酮显色液与固体壳聚糖反应,再采用乙醇水溶液稀释反应液的方法,解决了固载在基材上壳聚糖含量的测定问题。

    A simple method for quantitative analysis of solid chitosan based on the ninhydrin reaction was achieved by diluting the reaction solution with 50 % ( v / v ) alcohol aqueous solution .

  15. 大多数蜗牛背上有壳。

    Most snails have shells on their backs .

  16. 催化剂性能的提高可能来源于非贵金属板上Pt壳厚度形成的良好应变效应相关作用。

    The enhancement may result from favorable strain effects related to the thickness of Pt shell formed on the non-noble metal substrate .

  17. 弹性地基上锥壳的精确解及应用

    Exact solution of conical shells on elastic foundation and its application

  18. 他也动来动去,从上下壳间的开口向外望。

    He squirmed around and looked out through the opening between the shells .

  19. 弹性基上锥壳一般弯曲问题的精确解

    The Exact Solution for the General Bending Problems of Conical Shells on the Elastic Foundation

  20. 剖面上,壳内低速层与多震层的底界一致,中地壳很薄的低速层与下地壳较厚的低速层都具有这一规律。

    Profile , the crustal low-velocity layer is identical with the bottom of the seismogenic layer .

  21. 本文研究双参数弹性地基上锥壳的自由振动问题,并计及地基惯性作用。

    This paper is concerned with the free vibration analysis of conical shell on the two-parameter elastic foundation .

  22. 弹性地基上锥壳的弯曲问题,尤其是它的精确解,至今尚未解决。

    The bending problem of conical shells on elastic foundation , especially its exact solution , has not been solved yet .

  23. 叶子已经完全枯黄了,小蜗牛也越来越小,背上的壳几乎快撑不住了。

    The leaves have been totally withered , and the little snail became less and less so that it almost could not support the shell on back .

  24. 盐池&阿拉善左旗剖面:整条剖面上均有壳内低阻层和上地幔低阻层分布,低阻层在银川断陷盆地上隆。

    In the Yanchi-Alashan Left Banner profile : the low resistivity layers in crust and upper mantle distribute throughout whole profile and uplift in the Yinchuan down faulted basin .

  25. 在证券市场上,壳公司本无价值,但却作为一种稀缺资源而具有价值,并成为众多公司和企业买卖的对象。

    In securities market , " Shell " companions have no value in itself , but they have value because of their shortness , and they also become the objection of buying and selling to many other companions and corporations .

  26. 样条有限点法分析弹性地基上的扁壳

    Spline Finite Point Method For Analysis of Shallow Shells on Elastic Foundation

  27. 弹性地基上扁球壳的自由振动

    Free Vibrations of Shallow Spherical Shells On Elastic Foundation

  28. 弹性半空间上弹性扁壳非线性动力响应解析解

    Analytical Solutions for Nonlinear Dynamic Response of Shallow Shell Foundation on Elastical Half Space

  29. 在我带着两年的母奶站在那,在我的翻领上结了壳。

    while I 'm standing there with two-year-old breast milk crusted on my lapel .

  30. 雪在地上结成冰壳。

    The snow has crusted over .