
jī xiè lí hé qì
  • Mechanical clutch;power clutch
  1. 有轨机动车部件的名称。传动部件。内燃机机车的传动装置部件。机械离合器。

    Terms for railway vehicle parts ; driving mechanism parts , mechanical coupling for internal combustion motive powers .

  2. 自动离合器,是在传统机械离合器的基础上加装电子控制系统,利用现代电子技术实现离合器操纵的自动化。

    Automatic clutch , which is the traditional mechanical clutch installed with electronic control systems , is to realize the automatization of the clutch manipulation based on modern electronic technology .

  3. 适用渔业的CHJ新型机械换向离合器设计与原理

    Design and Principle of Reverse Clutch for CHJ New Machinery

  4. 用于冲槽机的组合式机械连锁离合器&制动器

    A Kind of Combined-mechanical-interlocking Clutch and Brake Using in Notching Machine

  5. 液力驱动的机械式离合器液压机械无级变速传动在拖拉机上的应用分析

    Analysis on the Application of Hydro-mechanical Continuously Variable Transmissions in Tractors

  6. 机械压力机离合器&制动器摩擦材料的研究

    Research into friction material for the clutch-brake of mechanical press

  7. 车辆机械式离合器的模糊控制技术

    The Fuzzy Control for Vehicle Automated Clutches

  8. 为了进一步提高产品性能,延长使用寿命,普通机械式离合器技术同样也产生了令人注目的变化。

    In order to improve product performance and to extend service life , technique on the general machinery clutch produced attentional changes too .

  9. 通过试验确认,铸铁纤维复合摩阻材料的摩擦系数和磨损率指标能够达到车辆、工程机械的离合器、制动器的使用要求,并优于传统的石棉增强摩阻材料。

    It is confirmed that the compound fiber material is better than traditional ones in rubbing coefficient and rate of wear and tear , it is useful in the clutch , brake of vehicles and engineering machines .

  10. 介绍了一种用于冲槽机的组合式机械连锁离合器制动器的结构和工作原理,通过和气动联锁离合器制动器的对比,进行了性能和惯量分析。

    This article describes the structure and working principle of a kind of combined-mechanical-interlocking clutch and brakes using in notching machine . Through the comparing between pneumatic interlocking clutch and brake to mechanical clutch and brake , it analyzes the corresponding performance and moment of inertia .

  11. 介绍了工程机械中液力离合器加工工艺的新方法,并通过计算和大量试验确定了该方法在生产中的可行性与经济性。

    This paper introduces a new manufacturing method for hydraulic clutches and confirms its feasibility and economics with calculating and tests .

  12. 工业机械制动器衬片离合器型式:单片、干式、膜片弹簧

    Brake linings for industrial machines Clutch Type Single sheet , dry type , film spring

  13. 车辆机械式干摩擦离合器及其执行机构具有非线性、时变、变结构特点,此类机电液系统的快速跟踪控制较困难。

    It is known that the fast trace control of the electronical - hydaulic - mechanical system with the characteristics of non-linear , time-varving and variable structure is very difficult , such as for the control of a dry friction clutch of vehicle .

  14. 食管贲门癌切除机械吻合776例临床分析飞轮机械离合器压机

    Clinical Analysis of Esophageal Mechanical Anastomosis with 776 Cases of Cardiac Cancer