
  1. 也没有挑逗性的内容,只是小伙子写给心爱姑娘的浪漫情书。

    There 's nothing provocative in them . They 're just romantic letters from a man to his girlfriend .

  2. 这项评选由英国保险公司比格街发起,目的是寻找最喜爱的浪漫情书,并以此鼓励英国人在即将到来的情人节里能更加浪漫。

    The poll to discover our favourite romantic message was commissioned by British life insurance company Beagle Street to encourage Brits to be more romantic on February 14 .

  3. 他总是给我写华丽浪漫的情书。

    He used to write me such beautiful , florid , romantic love letters .

  4. 创意1:写一封短小而浪漫的情书(不要多于5行)。

    Idea 1 : Write a small but romantic love letter ( about 5 lines in length or less ) .