
  • 网络machine bed
  1. 机床床身,工作台,导柱,轴承座,支座。

    Machine bed , table , column , bearing block , support .

  2. 机床床身的弯曲刚度对其热态几何精度影响的模拟研究

    Simulating Investigation into the Influence of the Bending Stiffness of a Machine Bed on Its Thermal Geometrical Precision

  3. 本文以控制机床床身铸件废品为例,介绍了全面质量管理(TQC)方法在铸件质量控制过程中的应用。

    The method of total quality control for casting quality improvement is introduced , a lathe bed casting being taken as an example .

  4. 介绍建立超长平面铣钻专用机床床身大梁模型后,在ANSYS中生成模态中性文件,进而在ADAMS中生成柔性体的方法。

    This paper presents a method for generating the flexible body in ADAMS , in which mode neutral file is generated in ANSYS after the establishment of the model for the machine-body crossbeam of special mill and drill machine with over-length plane .

  5. 首先分析了大型工件超长平面铣钻专用机床床身大梁与拖板的结构及受力情况,引入ANSYS单元库中的实体单元建立了床身大梁与拖板的有限元模型。

    Firstly , the structure and stress state of machine body cross-beam and carriage of milling and drilling machine tool for maching large-sized workpiece with overlength plane are introduced , the finite model of cross-beam of machine body and carriage are built using the solid element in ANSYS .

  6. 液压联合冲剪机床床身强度分析

    Finite Element Strength Analysis of Hydraulic Combined Punching and Shearing Machine

  7. 大型机床床身浇注系统设计的实践

    Design Practice of Gating System for A Heavy Machine Tool Bed

  8. 精密机床床身结构参数的优化设计

    Optimization Design for the Structure Variables of Precision Machine Tool Bed

  9. 用环氧树脂混凝土制造机床床身的研究

    A Research on Using Epoxy Concrete to Make Machine Tool Beds

  10. 精密机床床身的模态分析与结构优选

    Modal analysis and structure optimization for precision machine tool bed

  11. 板厚对机床床身动态特性的影响

    Relations between the Plate Thickness and Dynamic Characters of Machine Tool Bed

  12. 机床床身结构的有限元分析与优化

    Finite Element Analysis and Optimization of Machine Tool Body

  13. 重型机床床身焊接工艺探讨

    Study of welding technology on the bed of the heavy duty machine tool

  14. 提高大中型机床床身导轨精度的途径

    Measures to improve the bed guideway accuracy of large and medium size machine tools

  15. 有限元分析软件在机床床身模态分析中的应用

    The Application of Finite Element Analysis Method in Model Analysis of a Lathe Bed

  16. 机床床身立柱结合面参数识别的研究

    Research on Identification of the Structural Interface Parameter of Machine Tool Bed with Column

  17. 机床床身导轨热变形及其模型的建立

    The Heating Deformation of the Slideway on the Machine Tool and Several Models of that

  18. 基于元结构的机床床身结构性能分析与优化设计

    Research on Structural Analysis and Optimization Design of Machine Tool Bed Based on Unit Structure

  19. 钢纤维聚合物混凝土材料优化及其机床床身的研究

    Material Optimization of Steel Fiber Polymer Concrete and Study on the Bed of Machine Tool

  20. 基于有限元分析的数控机床床身结构动态优化设计方法研究

    Research on structural optimization method in design of NC machine tool bed based on dynamic analysis by FEM

  21. 机床床身导轨的磨损及其对机床精度的影响

    The abrasion of the slideway of the machine tool and its influence on the precision of the machine tool

  22. 机床床身二维纵向截面的铸造应力场有限元数值模拟

    Finite Element Numerical Simulation of the Casting Stress Field on the 2 D Vertical Section of the Lathe Bed

  23. 主要研究以下四个问题:1.利用现有的机床床身,对机床机械传动部分进行改造设计。

    The study is carried out as follows : Firstly , use the existing machine tool bed to reform design the mechanical transmission of machine tools .

  24. 机床床身自准直设计原理及其在导轨磨床中应用的研究对床身的肋板结构重新设计,并进行拓扑优化。


  25. 铸铁材料具有好的铸造性能、好的减振性、良好的耐磨性能、良好的切削加工性能和低的缺口敏感性而成为制造机床床身与导轨的首选材料。

    Cast iron material has good casting property , good damping property , good abrasive resistance , excellent machining performance and low sensitivity of the gap .

  26. 树脂矿物复合材料具有优良阻尼性和热稳定性,是一种新型的用于制造机床床身的材料,具有良好的应用前景。

    As a new kind of material used for the manufacture of machine tool bed , the resin composite material has the great damping capacity and heat stability with great application prospect .

  27. 导轨的磨损是造成机床床身导轨精度下降的根本原因,并以不同的形式对被加工零件的误差产生影响;

    The abrasion of the slideway is the basic reason to the decreasing precision of the slideway of the machine tool and produce influence on the inaccuracy of manufactured components in different ways .

  28. 介绍机床床身导轨的精度对机床精度有决定性影响,它直接影响被加工零件的尺寸、形状和位置误差值;

    The precision of the slideway of the machine tool has the decisive influence on the precision of the machine tool . It can directly influence the size , shape and location inaccuracy of the manufactured components .

  29. 利用有限元与试验模态分析技术,探讨了为改善焊接结构动态特性,在焊接机床床身上构造空气泵动阻尼结构的原理、方法与效果。

    The limited element and test mode analysis technologies are used to study the principle and process of creating air-pumping damp structure on welded bed of machine tool . The result improves the dynamic damp characteristics of welded construction .

  30. 机床床身导轨热变形后会破坏机床安装调试的精度,引起部件移动的直线度和角度变化而降低机床的加工精度;

    The deformation of the slideway will reduce the precision of the installation of the machine tool , and will cause the change of the beeline and angular magnitude which can reduce the manufacturing precision of the machine tool .