
  • 网络robotic dog;Aibo
  1. 索尼终止对机器狗爱宝的研发和生产

    Sony ceases research and production of AIBO

  2. 这可能就是一只机器狗的新视频迅速红遍互联网的原因所在。

    That likely explains why a new video of a robotic dog is making the Internet rounds .

  3. 这只名叫Spot的机器狗是波士顿动力公司(BostonDynamics)的产品,这家机器人公司于2013年被谷歌收购。

    The dog , named Spot , is from Boston Dynamics , a robotics company Google acquired in 2013 .

  4. 例如:日常生活当中的手持MP3,数字电视机的机顶盒,数字可视电话等是嵌入式系统;探索宇宙的火星车,SONY公司的机器狗等也使用嵌入式系统。

    Portable MP3 , digital TV box , digital visual telephone , Mars explorer , Sony robot dog , we can easily find out that embedded system is impacting our life and is shown everywhere .

  5. 两年前,Nao机器人便取代了索尼的Aibo机器狗,成为每年一度的“机器人杯”机器人足球大赛的比赛用机器人。

    Two years ago , Nao replaced Sony 's robot dog Aibo , which had been discontinued along with Qrio , as the " standard platform " for soccer-playing robots at the annual RoboCup tournament .

  6. 英国机器狗罗博抢占圣诞玩具市场

    English robot dog " Robo " seized the Christmas toy market

  7. 一条机器狗不需要梳理、治疗或营养。

    A robot dog needs no grooming , therapy or nutrition .

  8. 聪明的机器狗伤心地走向机器屠宰厂。

    Intelligent machine dog moves towards machine sadly to slaughter factory .

  9. 你可以买毛绒玩具,或那种机器狗也可以。

    Get a stuffed dog or one of those new robot dogs .

  10. 如果每个人类白痴都能写博客,为什么机器狗不能?

    If every human idiot can blog , why not a robot dog ?

  11. 当然是长相可爱的“机器狗”。

    Robots shaped like adorable puppies , of course .

  12. 是不是存在这样的原因,比如说,阻止你的孩子踢一只机器狗,

    Is there reason to , for example , prevent your child from kicking a robotic dog ,

  13. 本文将对机器狗的步行机构、机器人运动学、典型步态的设计与分析等进行阐述。

    The walking mechanism and the robot kinematics and the typical gait analysis and design will be elaborated in this paper .

  14. 微型芯片;机器狗使用微型芯片可以对人们发出的声音指令做出各种不同的动作。

    The $ 100 Rocket the Wonder Dog has a microchip that allows a child to train it to respond to human voices .

  15. 用于军事的无人侦察机,用于工业生产的工业机械手,还有受小朋友欢迎的机器狗都被人们所熟知。

    Unmanned reconnaissance aircraft for military , machinery hand for industrial product , machinery toy dog in addition and so on are familiar with people .

  16. 尽管对很小的狗儿病态的喜爱令人沮丧,对非常小的机器狗的喜欢会更糟糕。

    Status Offline As dismaying as the psychotic penchant for very small dogs is , a coming penchant for very small robot dogs will be even worse .

  17. 如果你有洁癖,而你养狗是拿来当展示品,不要养拉拉。你可以买毛绒玩具,或那种机器狗也可以。

    If you are a neat freak , and want a dog as a showpiece , don 't get a Lab. Get a stuffed dog or one of those new robot dogs .

  18. 去年,NextTechnology公司发布了一款名为Hana-chan的机器狗玩具,这款机器狗在闻到浓烈的体臭时会晕倒。柯尼卡美能达也推出了一款能检测体臭的设备,这款设备能和智能手机连接,在用户散发体臭时提醒他们。

    Last year , NextTechnology unveiled Hana-chan , a toy robot that designed to " faint " if it detected foul body odor , and Konica Minolta launched a device that monitored body odor and connected to a smartphone to alert users when they started to stink .

  19. 负责处理那些把钱塞进机器或塞给狗的人提出的索赔要求。

    Which deals with claims from people who fed their money to a machine or to their dog .