
  • 网络Alcatel Shanghai Bell;ASB
  1. 结合上海贝尔阿尔卡特公司自动交换光网络设备,对城域光网络建设的一些策略问题作了探讨。

    Schemes for metro optical network construction are discussed in combination with ASON equipment of Alcatel Shanghai Bell company .

  2. 在分析3G网络特点及其对传输网新要求的基础上,阐述了建设3G传输网的三种解决方案以及上海贝尔阿尔卡特的解决方案。

    Based on the analysis of 3G network characteristics and its new requirement for transmission network , it presents three solutions for 3G transmission network construction and Alcatel ' solution .

  3. 对上海贝尔阿尔卡特推出的超长距离、超大容量DWDM系统解决方案&1626LM系统设备的特点,从技术方面和系统角度作了较详细的分析。

    It describes ultra-long haul and ultra-large capacity DWDM system solution , 1626 LM presented by Alcatel Shanghai Bell . It analyzes its characteristics from technical aspect and system aspect in detail .

  4. 最后以上海贝尔阿尔卡特的RD平台来应用本文所提出的风险管理与控制方法,根据企业实际的RD项目,具体阐述在企业实践中如何对RD过程中的风险进行识别与控制。

    Finally , the proposed risk management and controlling models are applied in ASB ( Alcatel Shanghai Bell ) R D project management , how to implement the risk identification and the risk controlling is discussed detailedly according to practical R D projects in the enterprises .

  5. 2004年,他加入了上海贝尔阿尔卡特负责启动和管理风险投资运作,投资对象为TMT领域中处于早期的创新企业。

    Mr Xu joined Alcatel Shanghai Bell in2004 to lead the establishment and management of VC operation , which targets to invest in China-based innovative TMT enterprises in early stage .

  6. 分析了UTRAN面临的挑战与3GUTRAN传输需求,提出了上海贝尔阿尔卡特的UTRAN承载方案。

    It analyses the challenge UTRAN has to face and the transmission requirement of 3G UTRAN , also puts forward UTRAN carrying scheme of Alcatel Shanghai Bell .

  7. MPSRP3S是我公司(上海贝尔阿尔卡特)为提高System12交换机的容量以及增加业务类型而推出的全新的交换矩阵,它取代了传统S12交换机的电路交换网络(DSN)。

    MPSR P3S is a brand new switch matrix for System 12 Exchange of Alcatel , which is used to replace the aged Digital Switch Network ( DSN ) .

  8. 上海贝尔阿尔卡特公司市场营销问题研究

    The Research of Alcatel Shanghai Bell Company for Marketing Strategy

  9. 上海贝尔阿尔卡特拥有端到端的产品线,覆盖固定,移动和专网通信市场。

    Alcatel Shanghai Bell delivers end-to-end solutions , covering fixed , mobile and private communications markets .

  10. 上海贝尔阿尔卡特拥有世界一流的生产能力,完全融入阿尔卡特全球制造体系。

    With the manufacturing excellence , Alcatel Shanghai Bell is fully integrated with Alcatel 's global manufacturing system .

  11. 作为一家拥有国际资源的中国企业,上海贝尔阿尔卡特必将成为中国通信技术的源泉。

    Chinese company leveraging the Alcatel group 's international resources , Alcatel Shanghai Bell is ideally positioned to be China 's global technology powerhouse .

  12. 本文结合上海贝尔阿尔卡特股份有限公司开发的宽带交换系统讨论离线单板硬件测试方法和系统测试方法。

    In this paper , we present a PBA offline test and system offline test method based on the broadband switching system developed by Alcatel Shanghai Bell Co. Ltd.

  13. 阐述了3GIP承载网在可用性、可靠性、可管理性和可演进性等几方面的建设思路,介绍了上海贝尔阿尔卡特3GIP承载网方案。

    Construction considerations on usability , reliability , manageability and evolution of 3G IP network are expounded , Shanghai Bell Alcatel 3G IP carrying network solution is presented .