
  1. 从上世纪80年代开始,中国的城市电视台如雨后春笋般的发展起来,到现在已形成国家级、省级、地市级和县级四级办电视的基本格局,它们共同构成了中国电视传播体系。

    From 1980s , Chinese city TV stations have sprung up like mushrooms and formed the four-level basic pattern of national , provincial , prefectural and county levels , which form Chinese television transmission system together .

  2. 1983年,第十一次全国广播电视工作会议提出了四级办电视的口号,顷刻之间,市县级电视台如雨后春笋般纷纷涌现。

    In 1983 , the slogan of " TV station builded in four grades of China " was putted forward at the eleventh session of national radio and television work . Instantly , city and county TV stations had mushroomed .