
  1. 在同轴波导尺寸较大的情况下,传统的插入四块金属板的同轴插板式模式转换器难以满足扇形波导内单模传输的条件。

    Under the circumstance of oversize coaxial waveguide , the traditional coaxial mode converter with four metal plates inserted does not satisfy the unique-mode requirement .

  2. 中心板与四块边板之间的联系可以由剪力传递效率,或者由传力杆的尺寸和间距来表示。

    The joints between the central slab and the four side slabs can be specified either by an efficiency of shear transfer or by the size and spacing of dowel bars .

  3. 这是乔治第一次在皇家邮票上露脸,为了能跟家族中其他三位坐着的长辈保持同样的高度,乔治不得不站在四块泡沫塑料板上。

    George , making his first appearance on a Royal Mail stamp , had to stand on four foam blocks bound together with tape so his head was at roughly the same height as the seated royals .

  4. 系统采用模块化设计,将各功能电路集成在四块电路板上,即:电压电流互感器板、主控制板、继电器板和显示分板。

    The system uses the modular design , various functions electric circuit integration in four electric circuits panel , namely : The voltage current transformer board , the master control board , the relay panel and a demonstration minute board .

  5. 本文报导密封CO2波导激光器的结构设计、制造及其性能.器件放电长为12.5厘米,由四块BeO陶瓷板贴成1.5毫米方孔而成,腔长为15厘米。

    Configuration , fabrication and performances of sealed-off CO2 waveguide lasers are reported , with a discharge length of 12.5 cm , the device consists of four BeO plates arranged in a square hole of 1.5 mm size , the cavity is 15 cm long .

  6. 但是如何用现有的设备实现彩色显示?本文提供一种实施方案:硬件部份设计了四块电子线路板及自动更换滤包片机械装置;

    This paper offers a scheme for it 's implementation : in respect to hardware , We have designed four circuit boards and a device which can change co-lour filters automatically ;

  7. 重庆西南大学工程技术学院的十名学生发明了一辆重100公斤的蓝色太阳能动力车,该车顶装有四块太阳能电池板,收集来的太阳能作为汽车动力来源。

    Here comes the sun The 100-kilogram blue solar car invented by 10 students at Southwest University ` s College of Engineering and Technology in Chongqing has a top with four solar panels that charge the battery that powers the auto .

  8. 从ATM到意大利浓咖啡机,还有其它设备,这个市场的所有电动设备都是依靠四块240W太阳能电池板供能。

    From ATM to espresso machines , and equipment beyond that , all power-operated devices in this marketplace count upon four 240W solar panels .