
  1. 饶舌歌手会花上几个小时构思押韵的歌词及练习节奏。

    Rappers would spend hours writing rhymes and practicing beats .

  2. 现在我们来练习节奏儿歌。

    Now let 's practise the rhythm and the rhyme .

  3. 例如,你能练习冥思、有节奏地呼吸、瑜伽或让你放松的技巧,用它们来压制焦虑、促进平静。

    For example , you can practice meditation , rhythmic breathing , yoga or relaxation techniques to quell anxiety and promote serenity .

  4. 本文在肖邦练习曲OP.《肖邦练习曲》的节奏思维问题

    Based on the music score of Chopin etude OP. Rhythmic Thinking of Chopin 's Etude