
  • 网络Practice Time;Practice;Time;practicing time
  1. 或可以直接于练习时间,到我们的练习场地参观。

    Or you are welcomed to visit our meeting during practice time directly .

  2. 写出一个时间表来组织安排你的练习时间,并且每天都按照它去练习。

    Write out a schedule to organize your practice time and follow it every day .

  3. 你在校练习时间越来越长,以为自己在密西根州?

    You 'd get more playing time at a school like michigan ?

  4. 你需要一个教练、一个助理、一个舞蹈指导和私人的冰上练习时间。

    You need a coach , a valet , a , private ice time .

  5. 每天练习时间最好在30分钟左右或更长。

    Students need to practice frequently at home , as much as30 minutes a day .

  6. 嘿小子现在是练习时间他们都是我兄弟

    Hey , kid . This is a training exercise . These guys are my bros

  7. 个人技术工作在青少年篮球水平上要占用大量的练习时间。

    Individual skill work should take up the bulk of practice time at a youth basketball level .

  8. 太极图中的函数变化规律与气功练习时间的奥秘

    The Mystery in Relationship Between the Law of the Function Changing in Taiji Chart and Qigong Practising Time

  9. 有一个教练,并且固定的练习时间是我们保持健康的最好的方式。

    Having a coach and regular time of practice is the best way for us to remain fit .

  10. 如果他们留堂来刷道具,他们可以晚上做,不是练习时间。

    If they have to paint sets for detention , they could do it tonight , not during practice .

  11. 到时会有练习时间和比赛时间,他们需要研究对方的团队。

    There will be practice time and video time when they have to study other teams for upcoming competitions .

  12. 甲状腺手术前头低肩高体位练习时间的研究

    Study on the time of exercising in low head and high shoulder body posture before operation with thyroid gland

  13. 运动员对运动负荷的评价是强度大,练习时间长和间歇时间短等情况。

    Athlete on the exercise load evaluation of strength , practice long and short breaks , reaction . 4 .

  14. 尽管他将每天的练习时间控制在最小的范围内,但是最近他在场上的侵略性越来越强。

    He has since returned to keeping practice time at a minimum , but lately his on-court aggressiveness has increased .

  15. 以下是我通常如何根据你练习时间的长短划分分钟的方法。

    The following is how I generally divide up the minutes depending on the length of practice time you have .

  16. 在每项测试期间,分别对他们的练习时间、呼吸量、呼吸作用和劳累程度进行了监测。

    During each test they were monitored for exercise time , breathing capacity , work of breathing and symptoms of exertion .

  17. 然而,在八岁左右,他们在练习时间的总量上产生了一个重要的区别。

    However , around the age of eight , an important difference began to emerge in the amount of hours they each practiced .

  18. 根据你的时间表,练习时间,球队的具体要求,你要调整你的训练。

    Depending on your schedule , the amount of practice time you have and what your specific team needs are , you vary your drills .

  19. 这样我们可以更有效地学习,而我们的练习时间被称为分布的实践效果。

    This phenomenon , through which we can learn more efficiently by dividing our practice time , is known as the distribution of practice effect .

  20. 调查结果表明,大学新生的听说自主性学习能力总体一般,自主学习活动与其自主学习观念及动机关联密切,听说成绩与网络环境中的练习时间成正比。

    The results of study show that freshmen have unsatisfying autonomous learning ability . Autonomous learning activities are closely associated with their learning attitudes and motivation .

  21. 经过本研究证明,由原来八周的练习时间变为六周后,心智觉知的练习仍能够起到改善抑郁情绪的作用。

    It is proved that , shortening the training time from eight weeks to six weeks , mindfulness still plays a role in mending depression . 3 .

  22. 随着练习时间的增加,吸气和呼气的长度和强度应该增加,这样呼吸的延伸也增加身体的伸展。

    Over time , the length and intensity of the inhalation and exhalation should increase , such that the increased stretching of the breath initiates the increased stretching of the body .

  23. 我看到太多的教练从技能发展中窃取练习时间,花了一半的练习帮助运动员记住他们在几集剧中的位置。

    I see too many coaches steal practice time from skill development and spend half of practice helping athletes memorize where they 're meant to run in a few set plays .

  24. 专家称,练习时间的确至关重要,并且正如前述论文所发现的那样,练习时间对通过积累而达到的专业表现的影响,可能会视乎领域而不同。

    Practice time is critical indeed , and its contribution to accumulated expertise is likely to vary from one field to the next as the new paper found , experts said .

  25. 当我意识到时间的时候,一个小时已经过去了,我不仅度过了宝贵的练习时间,也去除了压力,并且自娱自乐。

    Before I know it , an hour has gone by , and Ive gotten in valuable practice time as well as gotten rid of stress and had some personal fun for a while .

  26. 可以用一个定时器来制定特定的练习时间,还可以以此练习进行至能够放松所有的身体内示现出来的紧张。

    Either sit for a specific amount of time using a timer or sit until you are unable to release any hardness in the body that may arise as a result of your seated pose .

  27. 从体育课的结构来看,高三年级的体育课中准备和结束部分占用时间较短,学生练习时间过长,教师教授指导时间严重不足。

    According to the structure of physical education class , the occupation of preparation and ending is too small , students practice too long , and the time for teachers ' guide is too short .

  28. 如果你还想参加,这个星期日(2/20)午餐后,我们会有跟英文堂一些弟兄姊妹第一次的会见,来跟大家说明练习时间及要练的曲目。

    If you are still interested , this Sunday ( 2 / 20 ) after lunch we will have our first meet up with some people from EM to talk about practice time and songs .

  29. 所有关乎的是迈出那一步,然后每天前进一次,承诺自己每天有30到60分钟不受打扰的练习时间,和一份相当健康的饮食。

    Its all about taking that step and then stepping one day at a time , committing yourself to a daily intake of 30 to 60 minutes of uninterrupted exercise and a reasonably healthy diet .

  30. 可是,研究结果的差异和分歧的程度本身暗示着,培养专业技能的过程中可能涉及一些和遗传及练习时间都无关的因素。

    Yet the range of findings and level of disagreement are themselves hints that there are likely to be factors involved in building expertise that are neither genetic nor related to the amount of practice time .