
  • 网络Breath holding time;breath-holding time, BHT;Inspiratory Time
  1. 大学生肺活量与屏气时间的关系

    Relations Between the Vital Capacity and the Breath-Holding Time in College Students

  2. 对年龄在18~24岁间的1653名健康大学生的肺活量和屏气时间进行了调查。

    An investigation is made on 1653 college students aged 18 to 24 in good health about their Vital Capacity ( VC ) and the Breath-Holding Time ( BHT ) .

  3. 结论B组屏气时间比A组明显增加,两组屏气的时间男性大于女性,两组屏气时间增加率男性小于女性。

    The time of breath holding is longer in male than female , and the rate of time increasing is reverse .

  4. 式中Y为肺活量(ml),X为屏气时间(s)。

    Y represents the VC ( ml ) and X represents the BHT ( s ) .

  5. 方法选胸腹部CT检查的病人(志愿者),进行呼吸训练,用秒表测量A组与B组的屏气时间;

    Methods The patients that were selected by volunteer with performed chest and abdomen CT were trained breath and measured the breath holding time in A and B group .

  6. 结果随着屏气时间的延长,Vm呈线性升高(P<0.001),而PI值则呈线性下降(P<0.05)。

    Results With the extension of breath holding time , Vm increased in linear ( P < 0.001 ), while the PI decreased linearly ( P < 0.05 ) .

  7. 屏气扫描时间16~22秒。

    Acquisition time took 16-22 sec with breath-hold .

  8. 结论本研究结果表明MRI屏气电影法成像时间短,无运动伪影,是一种临床评价左心功能有价值的方法。

    Conclusion Breath hold cine MR imaging is useful method for evaluation the left ventricular function because of non ghosting artifacts and short imaging time .

  9. 杰克,你不可能屏气屏这么长时间。

    Jack , you can 't hold your breath that long .

  10. 屏气测试深吸一口气,然后屏气,时间越久越好,再慢慢呼出,呼出时间3秒钟为最理想。

    Breathless test is sucked greatly at a heat , next breathless , time Yue Jiuyue is good , again slowly expiration , expiration time is3 seconds the idealest .

  11. 目的通过平静呼吸吸气末屏气(组)A与过度换气呼气末屏气(组)B的比较,找出既能增加屏气时间,又能减少层面差异的方法。

    Objective To find a method that allow increase breath holding time and decrease slice difference by compared with breath holding after excessive breath and after nomal breath .