
  1. 并扼要介绍了该法与传统练功疗法的不同之处。

    The difference between the method and traditional therapy was introduced .

  2. 可根据场地开展不同体位的练功疗法。

    Can develop the acrobatics treatment of different position according to field .

  3. 该练功疗法的特点是:运动幅度小,简单易学、易为中老年患者接受。

    The characteristics of the exercise are small amplitude of movement , easy to be carried on , they were well accepted by middle and senile patients .

  4. 胫骨远端后内侧解剖板结合中医正骨手法、练功疗法治疗伴前方软组织损伤胫骨远端骨折疗效确切,无严重并发症发生。

    The MIPO application of PmAP , traditional chinese medicine bone-setting manipulation and dirigation for the treatment of distal tibial fractures with anterior soft tissue injury are effective and have no severe complications .