
  • 网络film censorship
  1. 论印度电影审查制度的变迁及其内在根源

    The Research on Changing Indian Film Censorship and Its Motivation

  2. 近年来,他一再抨击我国的电影审查制度。

    In recent years , he has repeatedly assailed the country 's film censorship system .

  3. 政府正在考虑强化书报电影审查方面的法律。

    The government is considering toughening up the law on censorship .

  4. 制片人DMG娱乐集团,一家中国公司,以及华特迪士尼的漫威影业希望这些变化将有助于缓解过去中国的电影审查方式。

    Co-producer DMG Entertainment , a Chinese firm , and the Walt Disney-owned MarvelStudios hoped the changes would help ease the film 's way past China 's censors .

  5. 如今重获中国电影审查部门青睐的姜文目前正在筹备3D电影《一步之遥》(GonewithTheBullets)。该片是其2010年热门电影《让子弹飞》(LettheBulletsFly)的续集,预计将于12月在中国上映。

    Now back in the good graces of China 's film censors , the director is currently preparing for a ' Gone with The Bullets , ' a 3D follow-up on 2010 's satirical hit ' Let the Bullets Fly ' that is expected to hit Chinese theaters in December .

  6. 分级制是电影审查制的延续和变型。

    Movie gradation Cist the development and transformation of movie examination .

  7. 世界各国都有自己的电影审查和分级制度。

    Each country has its own system of movie gradation and examination .

  8. 电影审查员剪去了骂人的话。

    The censor - ped the swearing words .

  9. 但在这个问题上,经济学理论主张不进行电影审查,而是对暴力电影收税。

    Yet here , economic theory would prescribe not censorship , but a tax on violent films .

  10. (中国的电影审查制度比出版审查制度更为严格。)

    ( China 's rigorous film censorship system is stricter than the country 's publishing industry . )

  11. 第三部分为在第二部分基础上阐述了电影审查制度对各个时期内地恐怖片发展的影响。

    The third part bases on the second part to describe the influence and restriction of the movie censorship system in various periods .

  12. 我国的电影审查制度和国际上现在使用比较普遍的电影分级制度在内容上有许多的不同。

    China 's film censorship and the international community is now more common use of film classification system in the content on many different .

  13. 电影审查员坚持剪去影片的这一段。

    Scale Instead of Scissors : The Distinction between the Movie Gradation and Examination ; The censor insist on excise the passage from the film .

  14. 对于余华来说,这并不是他所经历的第一次中国电影审查,他的小说大都夹杂着对中国社会的尖锐批评。

    It 's not the first run-in with China 's film censors for Mr. Yu , whose novels are larded with biting critiques of Chinese society .

  15. 电影审查和档案由罗杰埃伯特大家你从来没有听说过谁的人批评,但有重要的事情要说。

    Archives of movie reviews and criticism by everybody from Roger Ebert to people you 've never heard of but who have important things to say .

  16. 究其原因,可以归结到中国的电影审查制度,以及中国政府对于电影里中国形象的极度敏感。

    For that , you can blame the rules of film censorship in China , and a Chinese government extremely sensitive about how the nation is portrayed .

  17. 虽然电影审查在中国不算新鲜事,但这种临时禁播一部影片的做法并不常见,因为存在争议的影片很少能通过审查登陆院线。

    While film censorship isn 't new in China , the abrupt about-face was unusual because controversial movies rarely make it through the approval process to begin with .

  18. “中国有一流的导演,一流的编剧,一流的演员,但还有一个令人汗颜的电影审查制度,”一位匿名博主写道。

    " China has first-class directors , first-class playwrights , first-class actors , but it 's a shame that we have censorship by government officials ," one anonymous blogger wrote .

  19. 但现行的电影审查制度,实际上极大的阻碍了电影业的发展,同时也由于其存在着众多的问题而饱受诟病,几乎成为众矢之的。

    However , the current system of film censorship , in fact , will be great impeded the development of the film industry , but also its many problems , there are have been great criticism , almost become the target of public criticism .

  20. 乍一看之下,这部《哈利·波特》前传《神奇动物在哪里》不是为中国观众定制的,尤其是其中的魔法和超自然元素--这些在中国的电影审查方面可能会遇到大问题。

    At first glance , the new Harry Potter prequel " Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them " hardly seems tailor-made for Chinese audiences , especially given its elements of witchcraft and the supernatural - which can be a deal breaker for China 's state censors .

  21. 1969年,它取消了对成人电影的审查制度。

    in 1969 it lifted censorship of all movies for adults .

  22. 我国电影行政审查与电影分级若干法律问题研究

    Study on Film Administrative Review and Classification of China

  23. 1969年,丹麦取消了对电影的审查制度,导致一大批题材既露骨又微妙的影片涌现出来。

    The end of film censorship in 1969 led to a flurry of movies with both explicit and nuanced themes .

  24. 宪法保护在由电影的审查向分级的文明演进中发挥了巨大的促进作用。

    Protection of the constitution has played a huge role from the censorship of the film to the classification in the evolution of civilization .

  25. 她说,与中国大陆合作比与香港和台湾合作的难度更大,因为中国大陆对电影的审查从剧本就开始了。

    It is more difficult to co-produce in mainland China than with Hong Kong and Taiwan partners , as censorship here starts from the script writing . '

  26. 这部电影未能通过审查。

    The film failed to get past the censors .

  27. 他们表示,中国电影业的审查制度太严苛了,而且中国电影的艺术性不强。

    Too much censorship , they said , and not enough artistry .

  28. 检查员小组〔电影检查〕审查时,小组应进行自我回顾,检查到目前为止的完成情况。

    Panel of censors [ film ] At the review points the team should go through a bit of soul-searching and review its accomplishments to date .

  29. 那时的电影制作人受到了审查官的限制。

    Film-makers of the time were constricted by the censors .

  30. “变形金刚”,一个科幻电影,显然略有审查。

    " Transformers : Revenge of the Fallen ," a science fiction movie , was apparently slightly censored .