
ɡé xīn yùn dònɡ
  • reformation movement
  1. 这种新工具正是技术革新运动的产儿。

    This new implement is a product of the drive for technical innovation .

  2. CEO驱动:“CEO发起一场文化革新运动,将其作为创建一个‘以客户为中心’组织的思想基础。”

    CEO driven : " The CEO initiated a culture change initiative that underpinned his vision of creating a customer-centric organization . "

  3. 她是革新运动的领袖之一。

    She was one of the leading spirits of the reform movement .

  4. 19世纪中期墨西哥革新运动述评

    Comment on the reform movement in Mexico in the middle of 19th century

  5. 技术革新运动开始时,他提出了三项建议。

    When the campaign for technical innovations started , he proposed three items .

  6. 群众性的技术革新运动正在该厂蓬勃开展。

    The mass movement for technical innovation is vigorously forging ahead in the factory .

  7. 他认同君主政体,否定革新运动和推翻清王朝的运动。

    He agreed on monarchy and negatived innovation movement and movement to overthrow Qing Dynasty .

  8. 当今之僧教育是民国佛教革新运动的继续发展。

    The present Buddhist education is the continuous development of Buddhist reform movement in the Republic of China .

  9. 一场轰轰烈烈的技术革新运动在全国开展起来。

    A movement of technical innovation has been launched on a grand and spectacular scale all over the country .

  10. 21世纪初期掀起的新一轮基础教育课程改革就是以该理论为基础的一场教育革新运动。

    In early twenty-first century , a new round of curriculum reform of basic education is based on this theory .

  11. 伴随着整个中国改革开放而兴起的小剧场戏剧,是中国当代戏剧的一次革新运动。

    With the advent of little theatre along with China ' reforms , there is the reform of Chinese contemporary theatre .

  12. 埃兹拉.庞德是20世纪美国现代主义诗歌革新运动的创始人和前期领袖。

    Content : Ezra Pound ( 1885-1972 ) was the founder and early leader of modern American poetic innovation in early 20th century .

  13. 埃兹拉·庞德是美国现代主义诗歌革新运动的创始人。1915年4月,他出版的《华夏集》引起了文学界的轰动。

    Ezra Pound , the founder of Imagism , published his Cathay in April 1915 , which caused quite a stir among literary critics .

  14. 尤其是史学的革新运动,颠覆了传统的权威信,使得重建古史迫在眉睫。

    Especially the reform movement of the history has subverted the traditional authority of the letter , making the reconstruction of ancient history imminent .

  15. 本文对一百年来的西方建筑的变化与行程作扼要的回顾。首先介绍世纪初期建筑革新运动的兴起,现代主义建筑的出现和它的盛期。

    This article deals with a brief retrospect to the rise of the Modern Architecture in early century and its brilliance during the mid-century .

  16. 二十世纪之交,日本教育家成濑仁藏完成并出版《女子教育论》,掀起了日本女子高等教育的革新运动。

    The publication of the Japanese educationist Jinzo Naruse 's On Women 's Education at the turn of the20th century touched off a reform movement for the higher education of Japanese women .

  17. “诗界革命”作为近代资产阶级文学革新运动的重要组成部分,其历史作用和影响已经为学术界所肯定。

    The historic function and affection of the " revolution in the circles of poetry ", which is an important component of modern bourgeois literary reform campaign has been affirmed by academic circles .

  18. 然而,通过不断加大对研究和教育的投入,我们不仅超越了苏联,还发起了轰轰烈烈的技术革新运动。许多新兴产业应运而生,提供了数百万工作岗位。

    But after investing in better research and education , we didn 't just surpass the Soviets ; we unleashed a wave of innovation that created new industries and millions of new jobs .

  19. 作为一项刑事司法革新运动,刑事和解制度从雏形上看是发端于20世纪六,七十年代的北美。

    As a matter of criminal justice reform movement , settlement system from the criminal point of view is taking shape in the 20th century began in the 1960s and 1970s in North America .

  20. 近代民族精神表现出两方面的主题,一是以救亡图存为主体的爱国主义运动,一是以吸收和借鉴西方文明的革新运动。

    Two themes are shown in Neoteric national spirit : Firstly , it is a national survival as the main patriotic movement ; Secondly , it is to absorb and learn from the movement of Western civilization .

  21. 从1905年抵制美货运动起,知识阶层与下层民众首次在爱国与革新运动中连为一体,而中等社会的概念对于革命派和梁启超也有所影响。

    Beginning with the Anti-American Boycott of 1905 , the intellectual class and lower class united for the first time in history as one group in a patriotic and reform movement . The concept of middle society also influenced the revolutionists and Liang Qichao .

  22. 晚清文学革新运动一般被视为资产阶级维新运动的一个重要组成部分,它包括诗界革命、文界革命、小说界革命和戏剧改良。

    " Literary revolution " in late Qing Dynasty is generally regarded as an important component of Bourgeois Reformation , including " amelioration in drama circle ", " revolution in prose circle " and " revolution in fiction circle " which is of a crowning achievement and the strongest influence .

  23. 从各类运动员的选拔、训练器材和场地的技术革新、运动损伤与肌体损伤的修复、运动机能的改善等方面研究纳米技术对竞技体育发展的促进作用。

    Functions of Nanometer technology on the development of sports were studied from aspects of the selection of athletes , technical innovation of training facilities and grounds , recovery of sports injury , improvement of exercise enginery and resistance .

  24. 视频分析技术的应用,对于网球CAI教学课件和网络教学有着积极的促进作用,有利于网球教学课程的革新和网球运动的普及。

    Tennis CAI courseware and teaching network has a positive role in promoting the teaching tennis which can innovate and popularize the development of tennis sports by using Video analysis technology applications .

  25. 在这一百多年的时间里,随着世界各国对排球技战术观念的革新,排球运动的发展产生了质的飞跃。

    In the Period that Volleyball develops , the countries around the globs had made great innovations on the tactics and moves of this game . The development of volleyball game is leaped qualitatively .

  26. 融合、革新和新希望运动

    Integration , Renovation and New Hope

  27. 其本质含义即为神性与人性、传统与革新之间的对立运动。

    The essence is the contradiction of divinity and humanity , the tradition and the innovation .