
  1. 赣东北革命根据地的建设与发展是中华苏维埃运动史上重要的组成部分。它在实践上、理论上对中国土地革命的开展以及中国革命新道路的开辟起到了十分重要的促进作用。

    The revolutionary basis in northeast Jiangxi is an important part of the history of soviet movement in Chi -

  2. 研究川陕革命根据地法制建设的经验和教训,推动革命根据地法制研究,对建设有中国特色的社会主义法制有着重要的意义。

    It will be of great significance for building socialism legal system with Chinese characteristics to study the legal system in Chuan-Shan Revolutionary Base , to help on this project and to learn from Chinese revolutionary experiences of legal construction .

  3. 略论中央革命根据地的经济建设

    The Economic Construction in the Central Revolutionary Base Area during the Agrarian Revolution

  4. 川陕革命根据地的法制建设有深刻的历史教训,需要认真的总结。

    However , it is worthwhile to summarize , for there are harsh lessons in the development of legal system in Chuan-Shan Revolutionary Base .

  5. 二十世纪三十年代,为发展革命根据地的经济建设,支援战争,中央苏区革命根据地创立了一系列的国营企业。

    In order to promote the development of economic construction and support the war in the revolutionary base In the 1930s , the central government created a series of state-owned enterprises in the Central Soviet Area .

  6. 土地革命时期中央革命根据地的廉政建设

    On the Construction of Clean-Honest Politics of the Central Revolutionary Base during The Agrarian Revolution

  7. 井冈山革命根据地的成功创建指明了中国革命前进的方向,为各地农村革命根据地的建设起了重要的示范作用,为中国革命的胜利开辟了一条崭新的道路。

    The successful establishment of the Revolutionary Base Area of Jinggang Mountain pointed out the revolutionary direction of advance in China and had an important demonstration effect on the construction of the rural revolutionary base area of all parts and opened up a brand-new road for China 's revolutionary victory .