
  • 网络vermeer;Johannes Vermeer;Jan Vermeer
  1. 静谧的空间,诗一般的意境&维米尔的绘画艺术

    Silent Space and Poetic Atmosphere & Johannes Vermeer 's Art

  2. 论哈尔斯与维米尔绘画艺术的大众审美趣味

    The Aesthetic Interest in the Public of Hals and Vermeer 's Painting Art

  3. 但我敢肯定那幅失落的维米尔油画是赝品

    But I 'll tell you one thing , that lost Vermeer painting 's a fake .

  4. 在其油画作品中,我们可以深刻地感受到维米尔这种宁静的性格特点,每一幅作品都是他真实内心的流露。

    From his paintings , we may experience his peaceful nature because every painting is the expression of his inner heart .

  5. 维米尔生活在17世纪后半期的荷兰,是继哈尔斯、伦勃朗之后独树一帜的画家。

    Vermeer lived in the second half of 17th century of Netherlands , he is a prominent artist following Hals , Rembrandt .

  6. 维米尔是典型的荷兰风俗画家,也是继伦勃朗之后最伟大的荷兰画家,他的作品表现日常平民的生活与风俗;

    Vermeer is a typical genius painter of Holland and also the greatest painter after Rembrandt . His works embody the ordinary people 's life and customary .

  7. 你走进去,会看到先驱莱特兄弟们的飞机悬挂在天花板上,或者是一幅伟大的维米尔的画作,又或是一件美洲印第安人手工艺品的展示。

    You walk in , see the pioneer Wright Brothers plane hanging from the ceiling or a great Vermeer painting , or a display of American Indian artifacts .

  8. 他已经用自己的独特方式再创作了达芬奇的蒙娜丽莎,梵高的自画像以及维米尔的戴珍珠耳环的少女。

    He has recreated Leonardo da Vinci 's Mona Lisa , Van Gogh 's self-portrait and Johannes Vermeer 's the Girl with the Pearl Earring in his own unique style .

  9. 十七世纪是荷兰艺术史上的一个黄金时期,这一时期出现了大量享誉世界的艺术家,如伦勃朗,维米尔,鲁本斯以及扬·凡·艾克等。

    The seventeenth-century in the history of Dutch art is a golden age , in which emerged many famed artists , including Rembrandt , Vermeer , Rubens and Jan van Eyck and so on .

  10. 维米尔固守风俗绘画、小画幅的审美趣味,画中往往只有一两位妇女,在室内从事家务等各类活动,柔和的光线从窗外照入,显得温暖、宁静,产生诗般的境界。

    His painting always includes one or two women engaged in housework and other kinds of indoor activities , soft light shone into the window , which seems warm , quiet and produces a poetic realm .

  11. 他在荷兰艺术史上的地位仅次于伦勃朗,但国内编著的西方艺术史,介绍维米尔的篇幅却远远少于另外两位艺术家。

    Although he takes a second place after Rembrandt in the history of Dutch art , there are far fewer pages on Vermeer than those on Rembrandt and Hals in western art surveys published in China .

  12. 女性形象是维米尔和维亚尔传递他们审美思想的一个重要符号,不论是维米尔笔下那质朴、勤劳的劳动妇女,还是维亚尔所钟爱的母亲和姐姐的形象。

    The Female Image of Vermeer and the Vuillard deliver their aesthetic ideas is an important symbol , whether it is described by Vermeer that simple , hard working women , or Vial favorite image of his mother and sister .

  13. 在画面的艺术语言上谈,维米尔是表现当时荷兰中产阶级人民的朴素的写实风格;而维亚尔是运用了一种更加主观的表现手法,画面表现出强烈的装饰性。

    On the screen about the art of language , Vermeer is the performance of middle-class people of the Netherlands was simple realistic style ; and Vuillard is the use of the performance of a more subjective approach , the screen showed a strong decorative .