
  • 网络Portrait sculpture
  1. 肖像雕塑的形与神

    " Form " and " Spirit " in Portrait Sculpture

  2. 我看林家卫的肖像雕塑

    My View on Lin Jiawei 's Portrait Sculpture

  3. 秦始皇兵马俑肖像雕塑,体现了中华民族独特的美学意识及哲学思想。

    The Soldier Sculpture of Qin Emperor embodied Chinese unique consciousness of esthetics and philosophy .

  4. 肖像雕塑创作的真实性

    Authenticity in Creations of Figure Sculpture

  5. 肖像雕塑与中国文脉

    Portrait Sculpture and Chinese Context

  6. 现实主义肖像雕塑的再认识

    Re-cognition of Realistic Portrait Sculpture

  7. 肖像雕塑的历史反思

    Effigy Sculpture of Historical Ponder

  8. 公司产品有:园林景观雕塑,城市雕塑,人物肖像雕塑,佛像雕塑,装饰性标志性雕塑,酒店娱乐等雕塑。

    Our products include : garden landscape sculpture , city sculpture , portrait sculpture , Buddha sculpture , decorative sculpture , landmark , hotel and entertainment sculptures .

  9. 半身雕塑和肖像雕塑似乎是我们的塑料艺术品中最完整的领域,但是对这个领域有更好的理解的人都知道这里的情形有多么龌龊和扭曲。

    Busts and portrait statues seem to be the soundest area of our plastic art , but whoever becomes better acquainted with the field also knows how perverted and foul is the situation here .

  10. 我很期望看到你的肖像画和雕塑。

    I 'd expect to see your likeness in paintings and on statues .