
  • 网络Square Fountain;garden fountain
  1. 以北京工业职业技术学院广场喷泉应用变频技术,将一个手动控制的喷泉改造成自动控制喷泉为例,说明PLC控制器和变频器在喷泉中的应用。

    In this paper , the square fountain of Beijing Polytechnic College , which has been converted into an auto-control fountain by applying the converter technique from a manual control fountain , is an example of showing the applying of the PLC controller and the frequency converter in the fountain .

  2. 太原市鼓楼广场喷泉工程简介

    Introduction of fountain work in Taiyuan Drum Tower Square

  3. 在最初的袭击中,闭幕电视摄像头拍摄到一名男子敲打纳沃纳广场喷泉上的大理石雕像。

    In the first , a man was filmed on closed-circuit television cameras hitting a marble statue on a fountain in the Piazza Navona .

  4. 大型广场音乐喷泉控制系统的设计

    Design on Large Square Musical Fountain Control System

  5. 运用模糊数学理论对大雁塔北广场音乐喷泉声景观的评价研究

    Study and Evaluation on Soundscape of the Musical Fountain in North Square of Big Goose Pagoda Using the Theory of Fuzzy Math

  6. 主广场有个喷泉,能将水喷射至40英尺高的空中。

    The main square has a fountain that spouts water 40 feet into the air

  7. 广场上的喷泉。

    Piazza Venezia , Full of painter .

  8. 少数年轻人跳到斯德哥尔摩塞格尔广场上的喷泉里,不过街头并没有出现狂欢或跳舞庆祝的场面。

    A handful of youngsters jumped into the fountain on Sergels square in Stockholm , yet there was no wild partying or dancing in the streets .

  9. 在外部景观上,设计了一个小型的中心广场,有喷泉、绿化地等景观设施,丰富了建筑的周围环境。

    In accordance with the landscape of the environment , It designs one small central square including an eruptive fountain , green area and other things , which can enrich the environment around the building .

  10. 广场里有座喷泉和一家Costa咖啡厅,透过玻璃墙面望进去,可以看见男男女女在聊天。而他们不分性别群聚的方式,是住在斯瓦特的人所无法想象的。

    In the square was a fountain and a Costa coffee bar with glass walls through which you could see men and women chatting and mixing in a way that would be unthinkable in Swat .

  11. 人民广场有大型音乐喷泉,是市民聚会、休憩的重要场所。

    The natatorium is a large public sports facility and the most modernized of its kind in Shantou .

  12. 穿上舒服的鞋子,漫步在鹅卵石小路和露天广场,喝点喷泉里干净的水。

    Put on some comfortable shoes and explore the cobble laneways and piazzas while drinking clean water from the fountains .

  13. 我朝北走回去,经过纳佛那广场(PiazzaNavona);广场上的巨大喷泉是为了纪念地球上的四条大河(他们引以为傲地——尽管不完全正确——将台伯河列入名单之中)。

    I head back north , past the Piazza Navona with its mammoth fountain honoring the four great rivers of Planet Earth ( proudly , if not totally accurately , including the sluggish Tiber in that list ) .

  14. 我朝北走回去,经过纳佛那广场(PiazzaNavona);广场上的巨大喷泉是为了纪念地球上的四条大河(他们引以为傲地尽管不完全正确将台伯河列入名单之中)。

    I head back north , past the Piazza Navona with its mammoth fountain honoring the four great rivers of Planet Earth ( proudly , if not totally accurately , including the sluggish Tiber in that list ) . Then I go have a look at the Pantheon .