
  • 网络mass;go to mass
  1. 我要怎样才能准时起床去望弥撒?

    How am I going to get up in time for mass ?

  2. 他知道人家在什么时候把他那孩子带来望弥撒,他便趁那时赶来。

    He came at the hour when he knew that his son would be brought to mass .

  3. 我觉得在这位子上望弥撒来得好些。

    It seems to me that the mass is better from here .

  4. 后人为纪念耶苏的诞生,便定十二月二十五为耶诞节,年年望弥撒,纪念耶苏的出世。

    And that , Christmas is the feast of the nativity of Jesus , is on25th , December every year .

  5. 在建筑新的圣莫尼加教堂期间,会众移师到礼堂望弥撒。

    Eventually the hall was used for us to go to Mass while the new St Monica 's Church was being built .

  6. 他去望弥撒是为修心养性,并非全为敬神,他喜欢看见人的脸,却又厌恶人的声音,只有在礼拜堂里,他才能找到人们聚集一堂而又寂静无声。

    He went to mass rather from gentleness than from piety , and because , as he loved the faces of men , but hated their noise , he found them assembled and silent only in church .

  7. 就是望午夜弥撒时遇见的那个女人。

    That woman at midnight mass .