
wànɡ yuǎn jìnɡ zuò
  • telescope base
  1. 此次哈勃空间望远镜对船底座星云中心区域的观察展现了一场狂暴的恒星诞生风潮。

    This Hubble Space Telescope view of the central region of the Carina Nebula reveals a violent maelstrom of star birth .

  2. 使用高倍率望远镜观察鲸鱼座(Ceuts,名为海怪),也只能勉强看到星座尾部有一颗昏暗的红矮星在发光。

    Point a high-powered telescope at the constellation Cetus , the sea monster , and it is just possible to make out a dim red dwarf star shining in the tail .

  3. 研究人员首先使用哈勃太空望远镜来跟踪狮子座白矮星一号,它距离银河系85万光年,是围绕银河系运转的最远的卫星星系。

    The researchers first used the Hubble Space Telescope to track the dwarf galaxy Leo I , which at 850000 light-years away is one of the most distant of the satellite galaxies swarming around the Milky Way .

  4. 在他旁边的是大型毫米波望远镜记录下的一半的数据,这架望远镜位于墨西哥一座近5000米高的山上。

    and he 's sitting with half the data recorded at the Large Millimeter Telescope , which is atop a 15000-foot mountain in Mexico .