
jiǎng shòu
  • teach;lecture;instruct;give a lecture
讲授 [jiǎng shòu]
  • [teach] 讲解教授

  • 讲授功课

讲授[jiǎng shòu]
  1. 课堂讲授至今仍是学校教学的基本形式。

    Classroom lecture is by now still the basic teaching form .

  2. 运用护理程序及护理计划讲授外科护理课

    Practice of Lecture Surgical Nursing Course with Nursing Procedure and Planning

  3. 真正的教育并不在于简单地讲授事实。

    True education does not consist in simply being taught facts .

  4. 她讲授俄罗斯文学。

    She lectures in Russian literature .

  5. 传统主义者反对这种讲授历史的方法。

    There is hostility among traditionalists to this method of teaching history .

  6. 老师是否应该给学生讲授语法规则?

    Should the teacher present grammatical rules to students ?

  7. 他原先是一名校外辅导老师,后调入学校讲授社会史。

    He moved from being an extramural tutor to being a lecturer in social history

  8. 学位课程不讲授这个课题。

    The topic is not taught in degree courses

  9. 向每位申请人都讲授了安全知识。

    Each candidate is given instruction in safety

  10. 该课程将为初学者一对一地讲授各种户外摄影技巧。

    The courses will give the beginner personal tuition in all types of outdoor photography .

  11. 声称教师若重新采用传统课堂讲授方法,授课效果会事半功倍的报告

    a report claiming that teachers could be twice as effective if they returned to traditional classroom methods .

  12. 逻辑学在这里是作为单独一门课来讲授的。

    Logic is taught here as a separate subject .

  13. 专家定期给他们讲授物理。

    The expert gives their regular instruction in physics .

  14. 她利用夏天温习了美国历史,因为她秋季要讲授那门课程。

    She spent the summer brushing up on her American history as she was to teach that in the fall .

  15. 我们用C语言开发了采区车场辅助教学系统,为采区车场设计的讲授提供了现代化教学方法。

    By using Turbo C , develop mine district station assistant teaching system to provide modernized teaching method for instruction of min district station design .

  16. 在马里维尔大学,他为本科生和MBA学生讲授国际商务、运行管理和公司财务等课程。

    At Maryville , he teaches international business , operations management , and corporate finance courses for both undergraduate and MBA students .

  17. 基于网络的计算机辅助教学系统NBCAI(NetworkBasedComputerAssistedInstruction)使学生和教师通过计算机网络进行课程内容的学习、讲授、练习和测试。

    Network CAI ( Network Based Computer Assisted Instruction & NBCAI ) makes students and teachers study , teach , exercise , test the class content by computer network .

  18. 一项相关的任务是简化与讲授解读AO成像技术,以指导有关诊断与治疗的临床决策。

    A related task is simplifying and teaching the art of interpreting AO images to guide clinical decisions about diagnosis and treatment .

  19. RonaldCarter指出:通过语义关系讲授词汇是帮助学生建立系统词汇知识的最好方法。

    Teaching vocabulary through sense relations should be the best way to give organized access to the lexicon ( Ronald Carter , 1998 ) .

  20. 作为非英语专业的大学英语教师,作者介绍了在讲授《新编大学英语教程》中,LCA的教学模式和课堂应用,提出了大学英语课堂教学的新思路。

    The mode of the LCA in college English teaching is introduced , and the implementation of the LCA is discussed as well .

  21. 他的父亲在那里讲授计算机课程。他的父母奥布里•伍德(Aubrey)和桑德拉•伍德(SondraWood)共同在校园附近创建了一座跨教派教堂――MemorialRoadChurchofChrist。

    His father had taught the first computer course there , and his parents-Aubrey and Sondra Wood-co-founded a nondenominational church near the campus , Memorial Road Church of Christ .

  22. C语言的教学是教与学的同步过程,教师在讲授过程中应根据C语言程序设计课程的特点,采用对应的教学方法和策略,加强基础知识与程序设计基本技能的训练。

    The teaching of C language is a synchronization process for tutoring and learning . Teacheres should seed the features of C language programming course for tutoring process . Adopting corresponding method and strategy , it strengthens exercitation for basic knowledge and programmer 's skill .

  23. 我在讲授XSLT时,学生常常抱怨处理程序不工作,而实际上是他们没有正确的复制XSLTURI。

    When I teach XSLT , my students frequently complain that the processor does not work , when , in fact , he or she has not reproduced the XSLT URI exactly .

  24. 俄亥俄州立大学的官员表示,到目前为止,讲授IFRS的新课程受到了学生的欢迎,某些情况下甚至出现超额选课现象。

    So far , the new courses that teach IFRS are popular among students , and in some cases are oversubscribed , according to officials at Ohio State .

  25. 在阿德莱德、新加坡和香港讲授公司伦理课程的霍华德哈里斯(howardharries)表示,研究显示,接受过相关教育后,人们会更善于做出伦理决策。

    Yet Howard Harries , who teaches corporate ethics in Adelaide , Singapore and Hong Kong , says research shows that , when taught , people can become better at ethical decisions .

  26. 这是WFA的大师级人物首次亲临中国,为在中国的优秀花式调酒师们讲授专业知识。

    It is the first time that WFA flair masters have lectures in China to help flair bartenders excel with great flair techniques .

  27. 卡班是《魅力的神话》(TheCharismaMyth)一书作者,她是越来越多向高管讲授“个人魅力”——存在感、影响力与激情的结合——可以习得的专家之一。

    Ms Cabane , author of the The Charisma Myth , is one of a growing band of experts making a living out of teaching senior executives that " personal magnetism " - a combination of presence , power and warmth - can be learned .

  28. 本研究从教学实际出发,针对当前教学实践中普遍使用的讲授型多媒体课堂教学环境,将ARCS动机设计模式融入小学英语课堂教学之中,旨在提出一套能够有效指导教学实践的多媒体教学策略体系。

    Starting from the instructional actuality , the research applies ARCS model of motivational design into primary English class instruction under the background of multimedia class for lecture , in order to present a set of multimedia teaching strategies that can guide instruction effectively .

  29. 休息一下,马上回来,之后我们会谈一下Katz教授,去年讲授的一节课,叫做公正的大学。

    We are going to take a brief break , and when we come back , we are gonna talk about some of Professor Katz 's work on a class that happened last year called the just universities .

  30. 同时也反映出学生希望教师在课堂上能够讲授一些与热学知识相关的科学知识、最新热学发展状况、热学发展史和一些现代教育理论,这些恰恰是STS教育所能做到的。

    At the same time , the questionnaire also reflected that students hoped the teachers can teach some scientific knowledge which related thermotics intellectual , the newest thermotics studies and development condition , the thermotics history and some modern education theories , that are exactly the STS education can achieve .