
  1. 片石灌砂基层在村村通工程中的应用

    Application of Rubble Sand Filling Base in Village-to-Village Road Project

  2. 村村通工程后评价

    Post Appraisement on Project of " Village to Village "

  3. 村村通工程中卫星地面接收天线的调整

    Adjustment of Satellitic Ground Receiving Antenna in village-to-village Connection Projects

  4. A市移动公司村村通工程的市场开发研究

    The Market Development Research for the Village Engineering of China Mobile in A City

  5. 加强农业信息资源整合推进广东省农村科技信息村村通工程

    Integrating agricultural information Resources to propel the sci-tech information retrieval in the rural areas in guangdong

  6. 政府在90年代早期启动的村村通工程把电视、电话(固定电话和移动电话)以及互联网接入扩展到了农村地区。

    The government 's Village-to-Village project , launched in the early1990s , has extended television , telephone both landline and mobile and Internet connections to rural areas .

  7. 我国目前也处于初级阶段,主要是解决偏远地区、贫困地区的电话接入问题,具体讲就是村村通工程。

    Up to now , our country is also in the initial stage of universal service : focus mainly on the solution of telephone access in depressed areas .

  8. 第二章勾勒和呈现村庄结构类型的基本特征、村村通工程实施现状以及动员缘起的制度背景。

    The Chapter II presents the main outline and the basic characteristics of the village structure type , status and implementation of the project villages to mobilize the background of the origin system .

  9. 香椿树绿化道路投资项目的可行性研究&以长丰县村村通工程为例社会主义新农村建设乡村绿化存在的问题及建议

    The Feasibility Study on Constructing New Socialist Countryside & A case study of the project " General Highway Connecting All the Villages " throughout Changfeng County ; Problems in Virescence of New Socialism Countryside and Suggestions

  10. 通过大量调查,对村村通工程产生的社会效益、经济效益、公路路况、对周围环境影响等进行的后评价,为今后工作的进行提供了参考。

    Through mass investigation , the post appraisement on social benefit , economic benefit , road condition and infection on environment of " village to village " project , can provide reference for similar work in future .

  11. 村村通工程的不断完善使农村基础电视网络覆盖面大幅扩大,电视的触角伸向了我国大江南北的村村寨寨,亟待开发的农村市场为农业电视栏目的进一步发展提供了舞台。

    The Project of Media Accesses in Countryside can continuously improve rural infrastructure television networks , and expand the coverage to our all villages . The agricultural market developing provided a stage for the TV program further .

  12. 重点介绍卫星地面接收天线的安装与调试过程中,卫星地面接收天线的选址所要考虑的因素与调试方法,同时介绍在村村通工程中总结的一些经验。

    Focus on the installation and modulation , this article mainly introduces the factors and debugging methods in the process of site selection and installation of satellitic ground receiving antenna , as well as some experiences accumulated from the practice of village-to-village connection projects .

  13. 以天津市农业和农村信息化村村通工程为例,阐述了村村通工程对我市农村信息化建设的重要意义,介绍了天津村村通的特点、现状、应用和存在的问题。

    By taking Tianjin agriculture and rural informatization " Cun-cun tong " project as example , it explained the importance of this project for Tianjin rural informatization construction . The traits , current situation , application and problems of this project were discussed in this paper .

  14. 我国幅员辽阔,为了解决边远农牧地区收听收看广播电视节目难的问题,国家启动村村通工程,通过扩大农村广播电视的覆盖来满足广大劳动人民的视觉需求。

    In order to solve the difficulty of watching broadcast TV in the remote agricultural and pastoral areas , the state starts the " Every Village " project to satisfy the visual demand of the masses of laboring people by expanding the radio and television coverage in rural areas .

  15. 随着我国“村村通”工程的实施,各地区低交通量道路建设的规模不断扩大,但现有道路的使用情况却反映出很多问题,其中不少是关于路面结构设计方面的问题。

    With the implement of " village to village " project and the extension of low-volume roads construction scale , many problem , lots of which is about structure design , shows up in the service condition .

  16. 特别是前几年各地在实现广播电视村村通入户工程中,在经济紧张的情况下,这更是优选方案。

    Especially realized several years ago that the broadcast television open in every village registered one 's residence in the project in all parts , In a situation that economy is tense , it is even more a optimum seeking scheme .

  17. 1550nm光传输系统在广西村村通广播电视工程建设中的应用

    Application of 1 550 nm Fiber Optic Transmission System in Guangxi " Village-village Connection " Radio & Television Engineering Construction

  18. 村村通广播电视工程

    Project " extend radio and TV coverage to every village "

  19. 村村通水泥路工程施工质量控制与养护管理

    Control and Maintenance in Quality of Cement Road about Village-to-village-road

  20. 试述村村通广播电视工程的建设与管理

    On the Construction and Management of " Approaching to Every Village " Radio & Television Project