
  1. 本项目团队在这样的背景下,展开了信息化关键技术研究,提出了云计算服务器+宽带网+瘦客户端这种完全摒弃PC的全新信息化模式。

    In this context , the project team has launched a key technology research of information technology , a new information mode of " cloud computing server and broadband network and thin client " has been proposed .

  2. 新的信息化模式采用云计算服务器+宽带网络+多媒体瘦客户端的系统构架,包括嵌入式终端系统研发、高可靠云计算服务器集群的建设。

    The new information system architecture based on " Cloud computing center + broadband network + multimedia thin client ", includes embedded terminal system research , highly reliable cloud computing server cluster building .