
  1. 这样一来,云游戏服务公司就类似于网飞公司(Netflix)等订阅服务提供商。

    This allows cloud gaming companies to operate much more like subscription services such as Netflix ( NFlx ) .

  2. OnLive或许是云游戏领域最令人瞩目的公司。

    OnLive may be the highest profile company in the segment .

  3. 或许OnLive再怎么增长也无法和微软或索尼相匹敌,但它可能标志着“云游戏”趋势的兴起。

    While OnLive may not grow into a competitor to Microsoft or Sony , it could signal an emerging trend of cloud gaming .

  4. 在这样的大环境下,云游戏似乎更为可行。

    In that kind of climate , cloud gaming looks more viable .

  5. 所谓云游戏其实就是一种颠覆。

    So-called cloud gaming involves a kind of apostasy .

  6. 而云游戏则恰恰相反,它的画面由远程服务器进行渲染,并通过互联网将图像发送到玩家的屏幕。

    In contrast , cloud games are rendered by remote servers that beam images to screens over the Internet .

  7. 众所周知的是,在云游戏领域,传统游戏机制造商一直拿不出像样的产品。

    For the most part , we have been up against trying to establish credibility for a new way of doing gaming .

  8. Croll通过一个案例来展示了这个准则:在线游戏巨头Zynga最近解释了他们怎样在云上部署新游戏,来计算出游戏受欢迎程度和预期的负载情况。

    This principle is exhibited by online game giant Zynga who recently explained how they deploy new games to the cloud in order to figure out popularity and expected load of a game .