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  1. 茶树种质资源抗茶云纹叶枯病鉴定,进行了田间自然发病调查、苗圃茶苗和室内离体茶枝人为接种试验。

    The resistance of tea germplasm resources to tea brown blight was evaluated by field investigation , nursery inoculation and detached shoot inoculation .

  2. 本文针对茶树三大病害之一的云纹叶枯病进行了深入的研究。

    This paper was aiming at tea brown blight , one of the three most serious tea tree disease , for an in-depth study .

  3. 茶云纹叶枯病是茶树叶部主要病害之一,近些年来在局部地区发生比较严重,针对这种病害我们进行了相关研究。

    Tea brown blight ( Guignardia camelliae ) is one of several main leaf diseases of tea plant , having been more serious in some areas in recent years .