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  • 网络Square greening;landscaping of square
  1. 不同性质城市广场绿化面积比例分析研究

    Study on the virescence area proportion of city squares by different character

  2. 功能主义与结构主义设计的融合&以庆元中学校园广场绿化设计为例

    Highness Amalgamation on Design of Function and Structuralism

  3. 云南省昌宁县迎宾广场绿化植物配置分析

    Analysis on Species Composition in Welcoming Square Greening of Changning County in Yunnan Province

  4. 寒地城市高质量广场绿化的设计与创造

    The Design and Creating of High Quality Greening in the Urban Squares of Cold Region

  5. 湖北省高等院校干道绿化和广场绿化建设的探讨

    Explorations to Greening Construction for Main Road and Square at High-learning Institution in Hubei Province

  6. 结合平顶山市谈城市广场绿化问题

    On greenization square based on Pingdingshan City

  7. 广场绿化应利用科学的植物配置营造舒适的微气候;

    In square , it is essential to apply scientific plant disposition to build a comfortable circumstances .

  8. 呼包地区城市广场绿化植物配置的景观生态效益研究

    Studies on Landscape Efficiency and Ecological Efficiency of Plant Configuration of Urban Squares in Hohhot and Baotou Areas

  9. 道路、广场绿化具有生态保护,交通组织,景观组织,安全保护、文化隐喻等功能。

    The functions of the road and square virescence are ecology protection , traffic control , scenery organization , safety promise and culture indication , etc.

  10. 搞好道路、广场绿化,美化城乡环境,提高道路综合效益是城建、道路、园林工作者的共同心愿。

    Doing a good job in road and square virescence , beautifying the environment and increasing the comprehensive benefit of the road are the same aim of the constructer and gardener .

  11. 就是这利用率不到50%的矿井水,多数也只是作为井下降尘洒水、煤矸石山防自燃浇水、工业广场绿化冲厕等用水。

    But most of the utilized mine water is used to watering and lowering dust at underground , controlling spontaneous combustion of coal gangue , greening and washing toilet on industry square .

  12. 滨海凤凰广场园林绿化工程的实践与探索

    Planting of Trees for Landscape Greening on Alkali-saline Soil in the Beach Phoenix Piazza

  13. 2007年后,村中大批住房被拆迁来建造民俗街、广场、绿化带、公园。

    In 2007 , the village houses were relocated to the construction of a large number of folk street , square , green belt .

  14. 科学进行干道和广场的绿化规划与树种选择,对全面提升校园景观质量具有重要的意义。

    It has important significance to overall raise quality of campus landscape forms to scientifically carry on greening planning and tree species selection in main road and square .

  15. 结合南京市的城市建设和环境整治,阐述老城环境整治中城市生态交通空间、城市景观、广场、绿化等规划设计问题。

    Combining with the urban construction and environmental treatment in Nanjing City , the paper estates the planning and design problems such as the urban eco traffic space , the urban landscape , square , greening etc. in the environmental treatment of the old city .

  16. 美国城市广场与园林绿化

    Urban Squares and Gardens in United States

  17. 适用于公路、铁路碎落平台、中央分隔带、广场等防护绿化,具有良好的防护环保效果。

    The utility model is suitable for protection and virescence in highways , broken platforms of railways , central separators , squares , etc. , and has good protective effect of environmental protection .

  18. 城市广场复层结构绿化比例分析评价&以南京市城市广场为例

    Analysis and Evaluation on Multilayer Structures of Urban Square

  19. 本厂最新研制的半导体太阳能庭院灯,路灯更是质量可靠,光照均匀,价格便宜,是城市、住宅小区、院校、广场、建筑物、绿化工程及照明的最佳之选。

    The new semiconductor solar lamps are fairly good for the environment , example city , housing estate , square , school etc , They are your best choice with low price .

  20. 城市景观雕塑的设计需要与城市广场、街区、绿化、文化背景等各种因素相协调,才能发挥其装饰、美化城市和诉说有关城市人文艺术历程的作用。

    The urban landscape sculpture design needs and city square , blocks , landscaping , cultural background factors , to co-ordinate its adornment , beautify cities , and tell about the role of city art .

  21. 通过对欧洲建筑与城市的考察,联想了国内城市建设的不足,阐述了建筑与艺术、街道与广场、景观与绿化、传统与现代等方面对我们的借鉴作用。

    By inspecting the building and city in Europe , the author associates inadequate in our city construction and sets forth something used for reference in some aspects , such as architecture and art . road and square , landscape and greenization , tradition and modern times .

  22. 城市广场的性质不同,其活动内容和活动对象不同,绿化要求也不同,从而影响到广场的绿化面积比例。

    To different character squares , the activity contents and objects , virescence demands and area proportion are different .

  23. 结合长沙火车站广场的特征和照明设计的基本要求,阐述了广场照明、广场绿化照明以及道路照明的设计方法。

    ; Relative to the features of Changsha railway station square and basic demands of lighting design , this paper gave out the design methods about the square lighting , landscape lighting and road lighting .