
  1. 广西农业科学院对科技创新人才培养的实践

    The Practice of Cultivation of Innovative Type of Scientific and Technological Talents in Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences

  2. 根据广西农业科学院近年来学科建设的工作实践,分析了当前农业科研学科建设的现状和存在问题,提出了加强农业科研学科建设的思路与措施。

    We analyzed the status and the problems in subject constructions of agricultural scientific research based on the practice at Guangxi academy of agricultural sciences , and proposed the way and the measures for strengthening the construction in this paper .

  3. 文章介绍了广西农业科学院农业科技人才队伍建设的现状、科技创新和创新人才培养的目标,以及加强高素质创新型人才队伍培养的措施。

    The status of agricultural scientific and technological talents team in Guangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences was introduced in the paper . The objectives of science and technology innovation and the cultivation of innovative talents and countermeasures were discussed in the paper .