
  • 网络bit;Information Bit
  1. 结果表明,在给定纠错编码算法和重传方式条件下,可以通过对冗余信息位长度的合理选择实现系统有效吞吐率的最大化。

    The result indicates that proper selecting the length of redundant bit can maximize system effective throughput .

  2. 所以如果从CD播放机直接读出信息位而不进行解码,就没法得到音乐。

    So , if you were to read off the bits of information on the CD player without decoding it you would not get music .

  3. LDPC码的码长和码率取值灵活,可实现线性编码,做到O(M)的编码复杂度(M为信息位长度)。

    The code length and rate of IF-LDPC code can be chosen flexibly and it has linear encoding complexity of O ( M ), where M means the length of information bits .

  4. 从本质上看IRIG-B码的码流结构是一种脉宽调制码,其未经调制的信号为每秒100个2ms的码元,信息位是由固定位的脉冲宽度表示的。

    The IRIG-B code is essentially a modulating code for width of pulse with the unmodulated signal being 100 bits of 2-ms code per second , and its information bits are expressed as the width of pulse .

  5. 变异位点数为16个,信息位点数6个。

    The variable sites are 16 while informative sites are six .

  6. 最后根据水印信息位选择使用的单词。

    Finally the word to be used will be decided by the watermarks .

  7. 什么时候使用元素,什么时候使用属性来表示信息位?

    When do I use elements and when do I use attributes for presenting bits of information ?

  8. 再通过计算近似联合界得到了最优的校验位和信息位之间的功率分配。

    At last , the optimum power distribution between the parity bits and the information bits is obtained by computing the approximate union bound .

  9. 然后,在分析汉语词汇语素分布特点的基础上,提出一种针对汉语的基于句子权重的水印信息位表示方法。

    Based on the study of morphemes distribution in Chinese words , a new Chinese-specific watermark bit carrying approach using sentence weight is proposed .

  10. 结果表明,使用最大简约算法,改变空位罚分时,树长的变化与信息位点数目的变化规律并不完全一致。

    Results of MP analysis show that changes of tree length and number of informative sites aren 't same with each other when gap penalties change .

  11. 利用寄存器分配原理,构造图着色模型和函数,通过修改图结点颜色实现二进制水印信息位的嵌入。

    The watermarking binary is embedded by using the principle of register allocation , constructing the graph coloring model and function and changing the nodes colors in the interfere graph .

  12. 解码时,由码流读出的信息位所对应的十进制数可立即确定出匹配的码字在分组中的位置。

    In the decoding process , the position of the matching codeword in the group can be determined immediately according to the decimal number corresponding to the information bits read from the input bitstream .

  13. 提供有关描述符内容和格式信息的位标志

    Bit flags that provide information about the descriptor 's contents and format

  14. 中美简短旅游信息主位推进模式对比分析

    A Contrastive Analysis of Thematic Progression between Chinese and American Brief Tourist Information

  15. 基于集合论的信息生态位位移及影响研究

    Research on the Displacement and Impact of Information Niche Based on the Set Theory

  16. 信息生态位理论探讨

    Approach on Information Niche Theories

  17. 在以上两方面研究的基础上,构建出信息生态位的评价体系。

    On the basis , information niche assessment system is provided ; this is the innovation of this paper .

  18. 结果确立临床病理诊断结果分类信息9位核心代码+2位附加代码系统的方案。

    Results The coding solution to the clinical pathological diagnosis classification is established on a 9-digit core code plus a 2-digit add-on code system .

  19. 该算法将各个子带四叉树合并成一棵扫描树,然后再根据扫描树提供的扫描信息进行位平面编码。

    In the algorithm , subband quadtrees are combined to a scanning tree , and then bitplanes are encoded with the information provided by the scanning tree .

  20. 对该方法所涉及的曲面零件的自动寻位、基于寻位信息的位姿自适应加工控制等关键问题给出了可行的解决办法。

    Feasible approaches were presented to solve key problems such as automatic state searching of curved surface parts and adaptive machining control based on acquired real state information .

  21. 由于这些自行车是有点美学超过他们对技术面,我给约所涉及的每个艺术家信息而言位。

    Since these bikes are a little bit more about the aesthetics than they are about the technicals , I 'll give a nutshell bit of info about each of the artists involved .

  22. 本文借鉴生态学中的生物生态位原理,从理论上对信息生态位的内涵与外延、维度与宽度、重叠与分离、形成与变化等进行探讨。

    Some important theories of information niche are addressed in this paper , such as the intension and extension , dimension and width , overlay and asunder , formation and transformation of information niche .

  23. 提出了一种数字水印技术,把水印信息按位置换,对原始图像进行单值分解,并重复嵌入按位置换后的水印信息。

    This paper proposes a digital watermarking technology , It encrypts the watermarking information with the bit transposition al - gorithm , and carry on singular value decomposition to the original image , and embeds multiple redundant watermarking information .

  24. GB/T2311-1990信息处理七位和八位编码字符集代码扩充技术

    Information processing-ISO 7-bit and 8-bit coded character sets-Code extension techniques

  25. GB/T15273.7-1996信息处理八位单字节编码图形字符集第7部分:拉丁/希腊字母

    Information processing 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character sets Part 7 : Latin / Greek alphabet

  26. 帧错误检测通过检测一帧信息的停止位来判断该帧是否有效。

    FED ( Framing Error Detection ) allows the receiving controller to check for valid stop bits .

  27. 美国联邦调查局称霍华德给俄方提供的信息导致一位科学家的处决。

    The FBI says Howard 's info to the Russians resulted in the execution of a scientist .

  28. 重力与水准观测值中都含有重要的重力场信息与点位垂直分量的几何信息。

    In gravimetry and levelling observations . there exist the important information of gravity field and vertical component of geometrical position .

  29. 提出了一种利用信息颗粒的位表示(bitrepresentations)来分析信息系统函数依赖的新方法。

    A new approach to discover function dependencies is presented based on bit representations by using information granules in information systems .

  30. 汶上信息港三位电影制作新人准备制作一部关于汶上内城生活的纪录片。

    Three first-time filmmakers , Justin , Dana and John set out to make a documentary about the hardships of inner-city life .