
  1. 对数字图书馆信息组织方法的研究

    Studying Methodology How to Organize the Information in the Digital Libraries

  2. 基于知识协同的企业生产信息组织方法研究

    Research on organization model of enterprise production information based on knowledge-node collaboration

  3. 网络信息组织方法研究综述

    Methodology of Web Information Organization : A Summary

  4. 多方面的信息组织方法最适合于这些学者,其中某个信息片段的每个方面可导致逐渐详细的了解。

    A multifaceted information approach , where each facet of a piece of information leads to an increasingly more detailed understanding , best serves these scholars .

  5. 分为两个部分:第一部分主要对生活服务信息组织方法进行概述,主要阐述了基于分类、基于位置和基于相对位置的信息组织方式。

    It divided into two parts : the first part is the outline of life service information organization methods , mainly discusses on the classification-based , position-based and relative position-based information organization .

  6. 本文介绍了目前常用的网络信息组织方法。并重点讨论了分类法、主题法、分类主题一体化的研究现状。

    The paper introduces common approaches to web information organization , with an emphasis on the status quo of the study on classification and subject indexing and the integration of classification systems and the - sauri .

  7. 主题图技术作为下一代互联网-语义网实现的其中一种方法技术,继承了传统的信息组织方法的优点并吸收了本体的思想,是一种优秀的信息资源组织和知识表现技术。

    Topic Maps , as one of the methods to realize the next generation world wide web & Semantic Web , has inherited the merits of traditional information organization methods and absorbed the thought of Ontology . Topic Maps is an excellent method in information resources organization and knowledge presentation .

  8. 网络化对信息组织理论方法的影响

    Impact from Internet on the Way of Organizing Information

  9. 网络环境下虚拟图书馆信息资源组织方法

    Organization of virtual information resources in the network environment

  10. 第二章首先回顾传统的情报检索语言中对语义信息的组织方法,借鉴其中对叙词语义关系的处理方法,展开网络环境下语义信息组织方法研究。

    Learning how to deal with the Semantic relations in descriptors , and develop the semantic information organization method under the network environment .

  11. 但数字图书馆作为一个新生事物,无论其平台技术、信息资源组织方法,还是信息服务策略都在研究、探索和实践之中。

    However , platform technology , information resources organization methods and information service strategies of digital libraries are still in the stage of research and exploration .

  12. 本文简要阐述了网络信息资源组织方法的内涵,以及与传统信息资源组织方法的关系,重点介绍了目前几种主要的网络信息资源组织方法,分析了各自的主要特点,并提出了进一步的完善建议。

    This article explicates the connotation of the network information resources organization methods and the relationship with the traditional information resources regulating methods , focuses on introducing the several major net information resources regulating methods presently , analyzes their characters and offers further improvement suggestions .

  13. NSTL食物与营养热点门户信息收集组织加工方法日粮营养对动物脂肪组织基因表达的影响

    The Information Process Method for NSTL Food and Nutrition Hotspot Gateway Effects of different diets on gene expression in adipose tissue

  14. 网上信息资源的组织方法与管理策略

    On the Organization Ways and Management Strategy of Information Resources on Internet

  15. 全景视频的信息组织和实现方法

    Information organization and implementation approaches of panoramic video

  16. 信息组织的空间方法

    Information Organization Method in Spatiality

  17. 基于概念网的信息组织与检索方法为数码城市的系统设计提供了一种新的解决途径,初步解决了在数码城市中完全基于概念进行信息搜索的问题。

    Information construction and information retrieval based on conceptual network provides a new solution for information construction of digital city , and also basically solves the problem of information retrial based on concept in digital city projects .

  18. PDF文件中关键信息的提取与组织方法研究

    Extracting key information from PDF files

  19. 研究信息的组织和存储方法。

    The information organization and storage methods are analyzed .

  20. 而传统的信息标引及组织排序方法主要是分类法和主题法。然后论述了图书情报界长期发展起来的这些信息描述和信息标引及组织排序方法在网络环境下的运用。

    But in fact users are more likely to adopt synthetic methods of information organization , such as classification methods and subject methods , which are key researches in this article .

  21. 本文首先分析了产品生命周期管理的集成内涵,并在此基础上提出构建建筑生命周期管理的基本方法,包括建筑信息模型、组织集成方法和过程集成方法等;

    Firstly , the connotation of BLM is analyzed , and then , the methods to build BLM are put forward , including BIM models , organizational integration method and process integration methods ;

  22. 在本文中综合运用了面向对象的方法,信息资源的组织分类方法,软件工程等科学方法,对网站这一对象在实际运作中的问题加以分析并得出相应的解决方法。

    This paper synthetically using lots of science methods such as towards object method , organisation and classification method of information resource , software engineering method etp , through it analysed the problems in real Web operation and come to corresponding settlement methods .

  23. 考察了国外实际运行的几个数字图书馆信息资源组织的具体方法以及相应的信息检索、浏览功能,分析了它们在信息组织与检索、浏览方面的特点。

    The methodology to organize the information resources used in several oversea running digital libraries , as well as their corresponding function of retrieval and browse , has been investigated . Then the common ground on information organization and retrieval of these digital libraries has been analyzed .

  24. 语义Web的无尺度特征和小世界结构,对于语义Web的设计与实现,对信息的主动服务以及优化信息资源的组织方法都至关重要。

    This paper combines these characteristics with the analysis of Semantic Web , organizing of active information services and optimizing of allocation of the information resources .

  25. 文章从可视化信息的含义入手,简单介绍了可视化信息组织的几种方法,并着重分析了视频数据库的基本技术及应用,指出了视频数据库研究的主要问题和发展趋势

    On the base of explanation of visual information , the article introduces some methods of visual information organization It analyses the basic technology and application of video database , and points out the main problems and development trend of video database research

  26. 该文提出一种新的基于网络信息自组织的信息利用模式以及基于广义细胞自动机的网络信息自组织方法。

    This paper presents a novel self-organizing mode of network information exploitation , and a generalized cellular automata ( GCA ) approach to the network information self-organization .

  27. 第二部分首先介绍了个性化信息资源组织的原则,然后分析了个性化信息资源组织的过程,最后提出了个性化信息资源组织方法。

    The second part firstly presents the organization principles of personalized information resources , and then analyzes their procession , finally poses their organization means .

  28. 本文从空间基础信息应用的角度分析了基础地形要素的特性和表现方法,以及对空间基础信息处理的数字化组织方法。

    Based on the applications of geo information , this paper analyses the characteristics of topographical features and the way of their description , as well as the digital organization of that .

  29. 本文从多个角度对信息构建、网络信息以及网络信息组织的基本问题进行了深入分析,并着重讨论了网络信息的特点、网络信息组织的方法和实现方式。

    This article analyzed some fundamental problems of Information Architecture , network information and the organization of network information from different angles , especially the characters of network information , the methods and means used in the organization of network information .