
  • 网络direct search
  1. 除了按项ID直接检索某个项以外,服务器端API还包括基于项的属性和关系对存储库中的项运行复杂查询的操作。

    In addition to direct retrieval of an item by item id , the server-side API includes operations for running complex queries over the items in the repository based on their properties and relationships .

  2. 文献检索:直接检索与间接检索&论文献检索课内容的基础理论

    Document Retrieval : Direct and Indirect & Discussion on the Basic Theory of Document Retrieval Course

  3. 用户可以按照主题浏览此网站,或者直接检索自己需要的主题。

    Users may conduct a search of the USGS site or browse for information by topic .

  4. 实验结果表明,该算法比“解码-再匹配”策略快,比直接检索原始文本方法也要快。

    Experiment shows that the algorithm run faster than both the " decode-matching " method and direct-match in original contents .

  5. 有序桶目录使这一结构既可用于单记录直接检索,又可方便地进行批量记录顺序检索,而时间复杂性没有增加。

    The ordered bucket directory makes this structure can be used in both single record direct searching and batch records sequential searching , and the time complexity does not increase .

  6. 如何将多种数字化资源与目前的信息系统进行有效地集成,便于读者直接检索,查到相关的馆藏文献信息并且能够获得相关的电子文档或纸质资料是图书馆资源整合的核心问题。

    The key issue in the process of integrating resources is how to effectively integrate a variety of digital resources with information system so that readers can directly search for the related documentary information and then gain the corresponding electronic document or paper-made data on the paper .

  7. 且存储的图像数据可以供用户直接检索使用,也可以做进一步的图像比较和演化处理,应用于海上船舶的安全运行系统,为短波气象传真通信数据的接收方法开辟了一种新的途径。

    The innovation is getting the use of direct access with the store data , and the data can make the image comparison and evolution of processing . We can open up a new use with the short-wave weather data for the safe operation system of ships at sea .

  8. 提出采用混合检索语言系统、计算机文化、让用户直接介入检索、取消专职检索人员等改进系统效果的设想。

    Meanwhile , the article puts forward some tentative ideas to improve the system effectiveness , such as adopting mixed retrieval language system , letting users get directly involved in retrieval , and without specialized searcher , etc.

  9. 在直接接触检索算法的基础上引入域分解、外接球判断、可视化检测以及后修圆方法,提出一种新的三维凸多面体接触检索算法。

    Based on direct contact detection method , field-decomposition , circumscribed-sphere detection , visibility and post-round are induced to develop a new contact detection algorithm for 3D convex polyhedron : Herein , the fundamental principle of the contact detection algorithm is described ;

  10. QRCode用于印刷地图上同一位置的直接输入、检索系统,有很强的使用价值。

    As a direct input / search system in the same location in pressing map , QR Code has a highly valuable application .

  11. P2P网络利用点对点技术,使得网络中各节点之间可以直接共享、检索和访问各种资源,为用户提供了方便的交流平台。

    P2P network which uses point to point technology , makes directly share , retrieve and visit various resources among nodes in the network , and offers convenience platform for users .

  12. 第二部分设计了一个快速的直接映射式检索算法;

    Part two designs a fast character retrieval algorithm of direct map ;

  13. 其检测精度好坏直接影响视频检索的质量。

    The accuracy of detection has direct impact on the quality of video retrieval .

  14. 检索词的选择恰当与否直接影响到检索的查全率与查准率。

    The choice of the search words has direct influence on the recall factor and pertinency ratio .

  15. 主题词的选择和使用,直接影响文献检索的查准率和查全率。

    The choice and use of theme words directly affects the accuracy and completeness of data retrieval .

  16. 但是盲目的扩展查询就会以牺牲查准率为代价,因为这些同义词之间的相似程度存在着区别,究竟使用哪些同义词来扩展查询直接影响着检索结果的质量。

    Because the degree of similarity among these synonyms may be different , which synonyms are used to extend the query influences directly the retrieval results .

  17. 信息检索系统是整个信息检索利用过程的核心部分,信息检索系统功能的完善与否,将直接影响到检索效果的实现,以及用户信息需求的满足程度。

    An information retrieval system is the core of the process of information services . It will directly influence the retrieval effect and the information requirement of the user .

  18. 寻找一个数据库选项或搜索函数选项,以允许您的查询直接从索引检索结果并避免任何种类的结果有效性过滤。

    Look for a database option or search-function option that allows your search to retrieve its results directly from the indexes and that avoids any kind of validation-filtering of the results .

  19. 一个变化较大的镜头可以划分为几个内容一致的子镜头,两个镜头的相似性可以从对应子镜头的相似性计算得到.镜头相似性度量可以直接用于镜头检索,还可用于场景结构提取。

    A shot with significant content changes can be segmented into several subshots that are of coherent content , and shot similarity measure can be computed from the similarity between corresponding subshots .

  20. 作为信息检索技术核心之一的中文自动分词技术就是利用计算机程序对中文文本进行词语的自动识别,其处理结果直接影响信息检索服务和搜索引擎的检索效果。

    As a kernel technology of information retrieval , Chinese words auto-segmentation uses computer programs to identify Chinese Words automatically . Its result affects the search results of information retrieval and search engine directly .

  21. 本文叙述了叙词在网络环境下的三种应用模式,在一些专业性的网站以及网关检索系统中用叙词直接标引和检索是非常的普遍;

    This paper has narrated thesaurus in three kinds of application patterns under network environment , in some professional website as well as information Gateway retrieval system , directly indexing and retrieving with thesaurus is very universal .

  22. 通过对旋转图像库的测试表明,该方法不仅加快了运算速度,且当参数选择适当时,在相同特征条件下,检索率比直接使用精检索方法检索时还提高了1.625%。

    The results show that the method speeds up operation speed . When suitable parameters are selected under conditions of the same feature , its retrieval ratio has been improved for 1.625 % higher than that of the fine retrieval method .

  23. 随着企业信息的飞速增长,企业信息检索逐渐成为信息检索领域研究的热点,中文分词作为信息检索的文本处理阶段一个重要步骤,直接影响着检索结果的准确性。

    With the rapid growth of enterprise information , study in enterprise information retrieval is becoming a hot point in information retrieval . As an important procedure of the text operation stage , Chinese word segmentation ( CWS ) influences the accuracy of the searching results directly .

  24. 这意味着,对于希望直接支持此消息检索机制的端点而言,并不需要使用(甚至不需要实现)传统的WS-RM“在得到确认前重发”部分内容。

    This means that the traditional " replay until acked " portion of WS-RM does not need to be used or even implemented by an endpoint that wishes to simply support this message retrieval mechanism .

  25. 直接映射式字符检索算法

    The character Retrieval Algorithm of Direct Map

  26. 这种方法能够直接提高插入、检索以及移除操作的可伸缩性。

    This approach immediately improves the scalability of insertion , retrieval , and removal operations .

  27. 因此,图像特征的提取直接影响了图像检索的准确率和速度。

    Therefore , the image feature extraction and description directly affects the image retrieval accuracy and speed .

  28. 查询词的准确与否直接关系到用户检索结果的精度。

    The accuracy and frequency of query term directly determine the efficiency when retrieving precise and comprehensive information .

  29. 在基于本体的语义检索模型中,本体构建的完善性将直接影响到信息检索的效果,因此构建本体是实现语义检索模型的关键。

    In the ontology-based semantic retrieval model , the integrity of ontology has a direct effect on the result of information retrieval .

  30. 图书在版编目数据的标准质量直接影响到读者检索和图书馆工作者进行图书加工。

    The standard quality of CIP data is vital because it has direct influence on readers ' retrieval and librarians ' book indexing work .