
  • 网络Straight middle;zhòng;direct attack
  1. H型钢辊式矫直中断面畸变的研究

    Research on the Section Deflection of H-Beam in Roller Straightening

  2. 专家系统及其在薄钢板矫直中的应用

    Expert system and its applications in straightening plates

  3. 通过分析得出如下结论:(1)直中墙隧道的稳定性比曲中墙隧道要好,连拱段隧道中墙形式易采用整体式直中墙形式。

    The conclusion is drew as follows : ( 1 ) straight middle wall is more stable then bend middle wall , straight middle wall should be used in multi-arch tunnel .

  4. 病邪感染人体后可直中肺胃,久之损及脾肾,不同于其他疾病的是,损伤的过程较缓慢,日久累及全身五脏六腑。

    Is Evils infection with the human straight in the lung and stomach , a long time damage the spleen and kidney , unlike other diseases , the damage process is slower , the course of time involving the internal organs of the body .

  5. 我用左直拳击中他的下巴。

    I caught him on the chin with a straight left .

  6. X射线在圆柱形直导管中的传输规律

    The transmission regularity of X-ray through a cylinder capillary

  7. 分区填充均匀介质直波导中本征模集的完备性与并矢Green函数

    Completeness of set of eigenmodes and dyadic Green ′ s functions of waveguide filled with locally uniform dielectrics

  8. SU3群不可约表示直乘中的不可约表示及其重数

    The irreducible representations and their occupation number in direct multiplication of irreducible representations of su_3 group

  9. Profibus控制技术在拉伸弯曲矫直机组中的应用

    Application of Profibus Technology in Tension-Bending Straightening Machine

  10. 通过对直轴中扭转弹性波主动控制的仿真计算,讨论了LMS算法中的收敛系数对控制系统收敛时间的影响。

    By computer simulation , the influence of the convergence coefficient in LMS algorithm on the convergence time of system is discussed .

  11. Hanning低通滤波在PSD法测量直管不直度中的应用

    Application of Hanning Low pass Filter for the Measurement of Non straightness of Straight Tube with PSD

  12. 本文首先使用微观粒子测速仪测量了微直管道中的电渗现象,通过流场中平均速度与外电场的关系间接测量了管壁的Zeta电势,并将之用于数值模拟。

    In the thesis , EOF in a straight channel is measured . Zeta potential is obtained indirectly and used in following numerical simulation .

  13. 分层曲中墙连拱隧道的夹心墙厚度宜大于1m,夹心墙厚度小于1m时,应采用整体式曲(直)中墙型式连拱隧道。

    The thickness of the sandwich type wall of flexural layer type center pillar tunnel should be greater than 1 meter , otherwise , twin-bored tunnel with flexural ( or straight ) integral type should be adopted .

  14. 芳烃分子在其弯孔中的扩散能垒较直孔中的高,因此,倾向于在MFI分子筛的直孔中扩散。

    The diffusion energy barriers for all the aromatic molecules in the sinusoidal channel of MFI zeolite were higher than that in the straight channel , thus the molecules prefered to diffuse through the straight channel .

  15. 本文将简单Creen函数方法用于矩形横截面直水道中三维二阶辐射问题的求解。

    The Simple Green 's function technigue is used in this paper io calculate the second-ordet forces for three dimensional radiation problem in the water channel .

  16. 医院传染病疫情网络直报中存在的问题与对策

    Infectious Disease Reporting to Epidemic Situation Net : Problems and Countermeasures

  17. 高黏度聚酯熔体热交换器在直纺中的应用

    Application of High Viscosity PET Melt Heat Exchanger in Direct Spinning

  18. 激光直写中光刻胶对激光能量的吸收模型

    Model of laser energy absorption in photoresist for laser direct writing

  19. 纵向拉力在带钢拉弯矫直过程中的作用

    Influence of Axial Force on the Stretch Bending Leveling of Sheet Metal

  20. 水平直管道中气体&颗粒两相流实验研究

    An Experimental Study of Gas-granule Two-phase Flows in a Horizontal Straight Pipeline

  21. 本文就板坯矫直理论中的三个问题提出分析。1用弹塑性梁的理论代替传统的弹性梁的理论计算铸坯的应变,并得出相应的计算公式。

    This paper analyses three problems in slab straightening theory .

  22. 臭氧-活性炭与超滤深度处理工艺在直饮水中的应用

    Advanced Treatment of Drinking Water by Ozone-BAC / UF Processes

  23. 关于板坯矫直理论中一些问题的讨论

    Study on some problems of slab blank straightening theory

  24. 介绍了液压伺服阀和位置传感器在拉弯矫直机中的应用。

    The application of hydraulic servo and position sensor on stretch bender was introduced .

  25. 网络技术在新钢厚板热矫直系统中的应用

    Network technology applies to the hot leveler system of xinyu heavy plate automation System

  26. 直水道中细长体附加质量的计算和试验研究

    Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Added Mass of a Slender Body in Straight Channel

  27. 简析圆形断面材料在矫直过程中的弹塑性弯曲变形

    Elastic-plastic Deformation on Circular Material During Straightening Process

  28. 长直螺线管中的交变磁场

    Alternating Magnetic Field in Long and Straight Coils

  29. 裂纹检测识别系统能够在轴类零件矫直过程中对其进行裂纹识别检测。

    Crack inspection system can complete crack identification inspection in the shaft straightening process .

  30. 使用多普勒激光测速仪测量了水平直管道中气体&颗粒两相流动的流场。

    The flow field of gas-granule two-phase flows was measured by using a laser technique .