
  • 网络Linear displacement sensor;LVDT;KTC;KTF;Linear Ball Bearing Series;DC-EC DC-SE HCD
  1. 提出了一种新型偏振光直线位移传感器的DSP实现。

    A novel polarized-light displacement sensor and its realization based on DSP are presented in this paper .

  2. 采用的传感器包括NIR立体相机、倾角传感器、转角传感器、编码器、直线位移传感器和偏向角传感器。

    There were several sensors to monitor the state of robot , which include a NIR stereo-camera , a tilt sensor , a turning angle sensor , two encoders , an offset measuring sensor and a heading measuring sensor .

  3. 基于直线位移传感器的运转辊间闸距测量

    Gap measurement of running rollers based on linear displacement sensor

  4. 用于波长编码光纤直线位移传感器不等距光栅栅距分布规律研究

    Study On Line Space Distribution Of Varied-Line Space Grating For Wavelength Encoding Fiber Optic Sensor

  5. 本文提出了基于马吕斯定律的偏振光直线位移传感器。

    A new type of rectilinear displacement sensor based on optical Mains law is presented in this paper .

  6. 精密电位计作为一种直线位移传感器在航空航天等领域有着广泛的应用。

    As a displacement sensor , precise potentiometer is being applied more and more widely to aeronautical fields .

  7. 本文提出了一种基于偏振光检测的直线位移传感器,它具有非线性预校正的功能。

    A new type of rectilinear displacement sensor which is based on the principle of polarized light detection is introduced in this paper .

  8. 采用双轴倾角传感器与直线位移传感器相结合的方法,进一步验证了位置控制的准确性和唯一性。

    Using a method of combination of an axis tilt sensor and a linear displacement transducer to verify the accuracy of the position and its uniqueness .

  9. 采用角位移传感器间接测量动触头的行程曲线,有效解决了直线位移传感器安装困难和高电位隔离的问题;

    Angular displacement sensor is used to measure the travel curve of the movable contacts indirectly , which solves the problems of sensor assembling and high voltage isolation effectively .

  10. 其中有分立型磁敏元件,磁敏无接触电位器、旋转传感器、精密小角度角位移传感器、直线位移传感器、压力传感器和图形识别传感器等。

    Among which there are discrete magnetic-sensing sensors , noncontact magnetic-sensing potentiometer , rotation sensors , precision small angle displacement sensors , linear displacement sensors , pressure sensors and pattern recognizing sensors etc.

  11. 同时,基于查表方式的信号处理算法,采用了查表列和编码列两排磁钢的排列方法,设计了磁栅直线位移传感器。

    At the same time , based on the lookup signal processing algorithm , the two column magnetic steel arrangement which contains the lookup column and encoding column were adopted . The linear magnetic grid displacement sensor was designed .

  12. 其中发动机速度传感器、车速传感器采用电磁式速度传感器,变速器输入轴速度传感器采用霍尔式速度传感器;离合器接合位置传感器采用直线位移传感器;选挡行程、换挡行程传感器采用角度传感器。

    The engine and vehicle speed measurement use electromagnetic speed sensors . The transmission input shaft speed measurement use a Hall-type speed sensor . The clutch position sensor use a linear motion sensor , and to measure shift gears position use two angle sensors .

  13. 分别介绍磁敏电阻传感器、磁性墨水文字图形识别传感器、齿轮传感器、磁性编码器、直线位移传感器、无接触电位器等工作原理、结构、主要技术性能和应用。

    For the magnetic-sensing resistor transducer : magnetic ink pattern recognizing transducer , gear transducer , magnetic encoder , Linear displacement transducer and Contactless magnetic-sensing resistor potentiometer etc. The working principle , structure , the main technical feature and their applications are also presented respectively .

  14. 高精度位置控制系统常用光电编码器作为直线位移检测传感器。

    Opto-electric encoder is often used as a linear displacement sensor in precision position control system .

  15. 采用由悬臂梁式力传感器和直线光栅位移传感器等构成的自动测试装置较好地解决了测试技术难点。

    The automatic testing apparatus in this paper preferably solved the testing technology difficulties . It adopted a cantilever force sensor and a beeline raster displacement sensor .

  16. 同时,以一种采用不等距光栅的光位移传感器为例,利用不等光栅衍射光强度分布一般公式对其进行了计算和分析。高精度位置控制系统常用光电编码器作为直线位移检测传感器。

    Based on the general formula , an linear displacement sensor is analyzed and calculated . Opto-electric encoder is often used as a linear displacement sensor in precision position control system .

  17. 该方案是一个由LMD18245芯片控制的直流直线电机,直线型容栅位移传感器以及数字PID控制算法构成闭环控制系统。

    Thedesign is a closed loop control system that consists of a linear DC motor drived by LMD18245 , a linear capacitive grid displacement transducer and a digital PID controller .