
  1. 蒙鸠的窝做得并不是不好,发生灾难的原因是因为它用来系窝的芦苇太不结实。

    Disaster happens not because the nest Meng Jiu makes is not fast enough , but the reed that the nest is fastened to is too weak .

  2. 一只蒙鸠,四只百灵。

    Four Larks and a Wren .

  3. 同时,他们注意到了蒙德斯鸠批评中国笃信礼义,依赖德治而不是法治来实现社会稳定的做法。

    And they took note of Montesquieu 's condemnation of China 's reliance on civility and the rule of manners rather than the rule of law to assure public tranquility .