
  • 网络Montgomery;montgomery county
  1. 蒙哥马利县是宾夕法尼亚州最富有、最讲究的县。

    Montgomery County is Pennsylvania 's wealthiest and most sophisticated county .

  2. 比如马里兰州的蒙哥马利县已经完成了整个程序。

    Montgomery County , Maryland , for example , has completed the process .

  3. 费尔法克斯和蒙哥马利县也有相似的教学项目。

    Fairfax and Montgomery counties have similar programs .

  4. 去年蒙哥马利县议会将斯科特评为杰出教育家。

    Scott was recognized as an outstanding educator last year by the Montgomery County Council .

  5. 瑞恩的父亲托马斯迪东是马里兰州蒙哥马利县的警长。

    Ryan 's father , Thomas Didone , is a police captain in Montgomery County , Maryland .

  6. 在马里兰州蒙哥马利县,施瓦茨研究了大多为少数族裔的低收入家庭学生的表现。该县属于华盛顿的郊区,经济富裕,以白人居民为主。

    Schwartz examined the performance of low-income , mostly minority students in Montgomery County , Md. , an affluent majority-white suburb of Washington .

  7. 马里兰州蒙哥马利县的学监支持这一转变,弗吉尼亚州费尔法克斯县学校董事会也正在与顾问商议制定早晨8点以后再开始上课的作息方案。

    The superintendent of Montgomery County , Md. , supports the shift , and the school board for Fairfax County , Va. , is working with consultants to develop options for starts after 8 a.m.

  8. 蒙哥马利县采用了让公租屋散布在各处的政策。租户中,72%为黑人,16%为西语裔。按照这一政策,这些租户住在以白人为主的中产阶级公寓楼里。

    The county adopted policies dispersing public housing so that many of the tenants , who were 72 percent black and 16 percent Hispanic , were housed in middle-class , largely white apartment complexes .