
  • 网络monsignor;Domestic Prelate;Mgr
  1. 圣殿主任司铎热罗尼莫.雷耶斯(GeronimoReyes)蒙席说,庆典是一个良机去反省自己的生命及圣李乐伦的殉道事迹。

    Monsignor Geronimo Reyes , parish priest and rector of the Minor Basilica , said the celebration is a good opportunity to reflect on the life and martyrdom of the Filipino saint .

  2. 「圣人奉献生命,彰显出他爱主的崇高行为。」蒙席表示,菲律宾将会有更多圣人,但有关申请仍在处理中。

    In that act of offering his life , there lies the supreme act of love for God .