
kàng lì
  • husband and wife;married couple
伉俪 [kàng lì]
  • [married couple] 夫妻

  • 已不能庇其伉俪而亡之。--《左传.成公十一年》

伉俪[kàng lì]
  1. 人们举起香槟酒为这对幸福的伉俪干杯。

    The happy couple were toasted in champagne .

  2. 摇滚歌星与顶级名模结成伉俪。

    Rock star to wed top model .

  3. 尽管这是一个很有诱惑力的观点,但其他总统伉俪也有既相亲相爱又相敬如宾的。

    While this is a seductive viewpoint , other presidential couples have been both loving and respectful .

  4. 去年秋天,当科技创业者莱拉潆尼亚(LeilaZegna)伉俪计划从旧金山搬至伦敦时,他们最终圈定了伦敦市中心的6处住宅区。

    When tech entrepreneurs Leila Zegna and her husband were planning a move from San Francisco to London last autumn , they compiled a shortlist of six central London neighbourhoods .

  5. 70年代末80年代初的中国,在京的外国人可谓寥寥可数,跨文化婚姻更属罕见,人们以异样的眼光打量着每一对中西结合的伉俪,面对各种意想不到的困难挑战,Fran仍坚定地选择了缔结一段中国真情。

    Their relationship - one of the earliest Chinese-foreign marriages of that period . As this was a time when there were very few westerners living and working in China , there were problems and challenges on both sides , which they successfully overcame .

  6. 两人结为伉俪后,戈德伯格最终选择北上硅谷。随后,戈德伯格领导的投资集团收购了非常赚钱的网络调查服务公司SurveyMonkey,并开创了“免费增值”商业模式,这种模式如今盛行于Evernote、Dropbox和Eventbrite等新一代软件公司。

    He eventually moved north when they became a couple . Goldberg went on to lead the investment group that bought SurveyMonkey , the cash-generating online company that pioneered the " freemium " business model so popular today with next-generation software companies like Evernote , Dropbox , and Eventbrite .

  7. 我以此致琼斯伉俪及子女。

    I addressed it to Mr and Mrs Jones and family .

  8. 让我们举杯祝远原主人伉俪。

    Let us lift our glasses for the host and hostess .

  9. 日皇伉俪展开捷克布拉格访问行程

    Japanese Emperor Akihito and Consort Start to Tour Prague in Czech Republic

  10. 第二位美女江艳与自己的异国白马王子在中国结为伉俪。

    The second Beauty Jiang Yan married her exotic prince in China .

  11. 第二章现实与理想:晚明的伉俪文人;

    Chapter 2 Reality and Ideality : Couple Literati in Late Ming ;

  12. 第一章婚姻理想的先行者:晚明以前的伉俪文人;

    Chapter 1 Ideal Marriage Foregoers : Couple Literati before Late Ming ;

  13. 认识一年之后,我们喜结伉俪。

    A year after we met , we married .

  14. 王室伉俪身穿盛装出现。

    The royal couple appeared in splendid array .

  15. 让我们透过网页,一同向高锟教授伉俪送上最诚挚的祝福!

    Let us all send our very best regards to them through the website .

  16. 你的孩子看到了你们伉俪彼此鹣鲽情深的样子吗?

    Do your children see you and your spouse being affectionate with one another ?

  17. 美国和欧洲在不准离婚的教堂里结为伉俪。

    America and Europe are wedded forever in a church that does not allow divorce .

  18. 空间与环境&佛山石景宜、刘紫英伉俪文化艺术馆创作随想

    Space Environment A Brief Introduction on Shi Jingyi Liu Ziying Culture Art Museum in Foshan

  19. 有一对情深的伉俪也住在同一条河里,他们是鳄鱼爵士和夫人。

    A high-class couple was living next to the same river & Sir Crocodile and Lady Crocodile .

  20. 恭贺幸福伉俪新婚之禧,并祝来日事事称心如意。

    Congratulations on this happy occasion and best wishes for everything good in the years to come .

  21. 眼下已到了用伉俪点缀他的生活的时刻。

    It was now time for him to adorn his life with the graces of female companionship .

  22. 国王和王后伉俪走在前面,其余陪伴的人员按先后顺序跟在后面。

    The royal couple left , followed by the rest of the company in order of precedence .

  23. 影星塞维。蔡斯与其伉俪举行拍卖会,利益「在线环境教育中心」。

    Actor Chevy Chase and his wife sponsor an auction to benefit the center for environmental education online .

  24. 布什伉俪更注重隐私,不过他们之间的相互关爱和赞赏也是一目了然的。

    And while George W.and Laura Bush are more private , their mutual caring and admiration seems evident .

  25. 尽管忠贞不渝的情深伉俪在勉强维系着婚姻关系,但双方的婚姻后来仍被证明并不幸福。

    The marriage proved less than blissful , although it was saved by dogged loyalty on both sides .

  26. 夫妻二人想出了一个他们认为挽救了自身婚姻的解决办法,并希望其他伉俪也能知道这个办法。

    They came up with a solution they believe saved their marriage and want to let other couples know .

  27. 祝贺贤伉俪幸福快乐,祝你们的幸福与日俱增。

    Here 's too much happiness and joy for both of you now and in the years to come .

  28. 比尔带了一水壶的酒,邀她一起外出野餐,两个月后两人就结为伉俪。

    He took her on a picnic with a thermos of gin and tonics ; they married two months later .

  29. 与此同时,奥巴马夫妇得到的礼物是放在银制相框中的,呃,女王伉俪的照片,这是王室惯例。

    Meanwhile , the Obamas got the customary silver framed photograph of , er , the Queen and her husband .

  30. 我们尊重高锟教授伉俪回复平静生活的意愿。

    We all respect the wish of Prof and Mrs Kao for a return to a quiet and undisturbed life .