
dà xiū
  • overhaul;major repair;capital repair;general overhaul;turnover job
大修 [dà xiū]
  • [overhaul] 重大修改,大修理,彻底检修和检查

  • 汽车大修

大修[dà xiū]
  1. DW型单体液压支柱的大修工艺

    Capital repair technology of DW type hydraulic prop

  2. 镶套工艺在机电设备大修中的应用

    Insetting case technology used in the capital repair of electromechanical equipments

  3. 博物馆正在进行大修,在此期间暂停开放。

    The museum is closed while essential repairs are being carried out .

  4. 经过大修的刨子被装入木箱运回去。

    The much repaired plane was crated for the return journey .

  5. 我们的车被拖走了,要对悬架进行大修。

    Our car was towed away to have its suspension overhauled .

  6. 除非经保险公司同意,否则不要进行任何大修。

    Don 't do any major repair work until you get the go-ahead from your insurers .

  7. 客轮停在船坞里大修。

    The liner was in dock for major repairs .

  8. 我的汽车需要彻底大修。

    My car needs a complete overhaul .

  9. 这个引擎已被用坏了,需要大修。

    The engine had been worked to death and was in need of major repairs .

  10. 他明明知道那辆车需要大修,可他存心不良地把它卖给了他们。

    He had acted in bad faith when he sold them the car knowing it needed a lot of repairs .

  11. 而据《家装》杂志的计算,2006年厨房大修的平均预算费用高达54万美元,甚至连小修的平均预算也达到了1。8万美元。

    The average budget for a " major " kitchen overhaul in 2006 , calculates Remodeling magazine , was a staggering $ 54,000 , even a " minor " improvement cost on average $ 18,000 .

  12. 这辆汽车需要大修。

    The car needs major repairs .

  13. MSproject2002系列在发电企业大修管理中的应用

    Application of MS Project 2002 Series in the Overhaul of the Electricity Enterprise

  14. PLC在高速卷接机组大修改造中的应用

    PLC is Applied in the Overhaul and Transformation of the High-speed Cigarette Making and Filter Assembling Group

  15. SDS型加弹机大修的组织与管理

    The Management of Overhauling of SDS Type DTY Machines

  16. SF6断路器解体大修工艺质量控制

    The Technological Quality Control for the SF_6 Circuit Breakers ' Disassembling Overhaul

  17. 利用几何过程,以系统大修次数N和大修时间间隔T为更换策略,选择最优策略(N,T)使系统经长期运行单位时间的期望费用最小。

    The problem is to determine the optimal replacement policy ( N , T )? such that the long-run expected cost per unit time is minimized .

  18. 除非CMM中有特殊的要求,衬套不得在原位大修。

    Bushings should not remain installed during overhaul unless retained by specific CMM requirements .

  19. 延长ISP工艺大修周期的生产实践

    Practice in extension of ISP major overhaul cycle

  20. 油井套管补贴大修技术HDPE防渗漏衬垫材料

    HDPE Leakproof - lined Materials

  21. GTM法在高速公路沥青路面大修工程中的应用

    Application of GTM Method in Expressway Asphalt Pavement Overhaul Engineering

  22. 300MW汽轮发电机转子现场大修

    Locale Entire Reparation of Rotor of 300 MW Turbine Generator

  23. 日本三菱220kV变压器现场大修改造

    On Site Overhaul and Modification of Mitsubishi 220 kV Transformer

  24. 概述了韶关冶炼厂在延长ISP工艺大修周期方面取得的进步,列举了相关的生产统计数据,介绍了采取的改进措施。

    The paper presents the improvements related to extension of ISP major overhaul cycle of Shaoguan Smelter by quoting relevant production statistic data and describes the modification measures taken by the smelter .

  25. 鞍钢无缝钢管厂φ100mm机组改造性大修简介

    A major overhaul and modification of φ 100mm pipe mill in the seamless steel pipe factory of Anshan I & s Corporation

  26. 这次大修采用了PW无料钟炉顶、铜冷却壁和INBA炉渣处理等先进技术。

    Some advanced techniques are adopted , such as PW type bell-less top , copper cooling stave and INBA slag granulation process .

  27. TCDF-33.5型300MW汽轮机首次大修中的故障处理

    Fault Treatment during the First-time Overhaul of a Model TCDF-33.5 300 MW Steam Turbine

  28. 浅析DJK-140架桥机的最佳大修周期

    Brief Analysis of Optimum Overhaul Period of Type DJK-140 Bridge Layer

  29. 林肯DC-1500直流电焊机大修经验总结

    Overhaul Experience Summary to Lincoln DC-1500 DC Electric Welder Unit

  30. 清河电厂5号200MW发电机定子绕组大修装配和技术改造

    Major overhaul and upgrading schemes for 200 MW power generator stator winding of Qinghe power plant