
  1. 贫困地区村级集体经济与村级组织建设

    Village Level Collective Economy and Village Level Organization Construction in Rural Area

  2. 村级集体经济组织审计模式研究

    Study on Auditing Patterns of Village Collective Economic Organizations

  3. 北京效区村级集体经济制度创新研究

    Study on Institutional Innovation of Village Collective Economy in Suburban Aeras of Beijing

  4. 北京市郊区目前正在大力推进村级集体经济产权制度改革。

    The reform of collective economy property rights is pushing in Beijing 's suburb .

  5. 发展村级集体经济促进新农村建设

    Develop Village-level Collective Economy Promote the New Countryside

  6. 首先,研究北京郊区村级集体经济发展历程,提出村级集体经济新内涵、新功能和外延,并为后面的论述作了相关的理论准备。

    It indicates updated concept , function and ways of village collective economy and prepares some theory for the further study .

  7. 在我国,长期以来村级集体经济在农村经济社会发展中扮演着重要的角色。

    Village collective economy plays an important role in the development of rural economy and society in China for a long time .

  8. 造成村级集体经济组织负债过高的原因很多,既有外部因素又有内部因素,既有历史因素又有现实因素。

    The reasons for the high debt of a village-level collective economy organization are both the external and internal historical and reality factors .

  9. 研究村级集体经济有效发展的经营方式,是探索农村集体经济有效实现形式的一个不可或缺的重要层面。

    The exploration which is related to the effective development of the rural collective economy is an integral and important level to explore the effective realization of the rural collective economy .

  10. 本论文立足于经济体制改革的一个重要方面&所有制形式创新,具体探讨村级集体经济组织本身的股份制改革,与以往以村级所有的企业为着眼点的多数研究相区别。

    The innovation of the ownership form was regarded as an important aspect of the economy system reform . Most of the researchers were focusing their attentions on the village enterprises reform .

  11. 对于这些问题,一直在我国农村实行以家庭承包责任制为主的农业经营体制解决不了,相反我国很多村级集体经济发展得比较好的村对于这些问题已经迎刃而解。

    The agricultural management system mainly household contractual system can not solve these problems . On the contrary , these problems have been solved in some " famous rural area " in which Rural Collective Economy develops better .

  12. 本文的基本结论和主要观点如下:(1)村级集体经济经营方式,可以从产权制度安排和产业组织形式两个角度来界定。

    The basic conclusions and main points of this article are as follows : ( 1 ) The modes of management of the village collective economy can be defined from two perspectives ( property rights arrangements and forms of industrial organization ) .

  13. 通过对其村级集体经济、村级私营经济发展以及村级经济功能的论述,以点带面,反映了城中村较普遍的村级经济成长和村级社会发生的巨大变化。

    By the expatiation on the development of its village-level collective economy and village-level private economy and on the village-level economic functions , it reflects the village-level economic growth that is common to the Village Within the Town and the gigantic changes the village-level society has undergone .

  14. 发展壮大村级集体经济是贫困地区从根本上解决好村级组织有钱办事的问题,确保村级组织正常运转、加快建设社会主义新农村的必由之路。

    It is to solve the problem that there is money to handle affairs absolutely in the poverty-stricken area to develop the collective economy at village level , that is the only way to guarantee the organization at village level runs well and accelerate building the socialist new countryside .

  15. 作为统筹城乡发展、解决三农问题的有力举措,社会主义新农村建设也将极大地促进村级集体经济的发展壮大,最终实现农村经济社会的全面小康。

    Socialist new countryside construction is an important measure to balance urban and rural development and to solve the problems related to agriculture , countryside and farmers . It will also greatly promote the development of village collective economy and the final fulfillment of complete well-off society in countryside .

  16. 由于农村土地法律制度的不健全,在集体经济组织不够强大的地方,村委会既承担了发展本村社区公益事业等村民自治工作,又承担了发展村级集体经济的职责。

    Owing to the imperfection of legal system concerning the rural land , in the places where village collective economic organizations are not powerful , the villagers ' committee undertake the work of developing local community public welfare as well as the duty of developing the collective economy of village .

  17. 发展村级统一经营的集体经济是农民共同富裕的必由之路

    The development of collective enterprises shared by villagers is the only way to common prosperity of peasants

  18. 城市化进程中村级股份合作制改革的创新机理探析&以江苏省无锡市村级集体经济组织制度创新为例

    On Innovative Mechanism in the Reform of Village Cooperative Shares System in Urbanization : A Case of the Institutional Innovations by Village Collective Economic Organizations in Wuxi