
  • 网络Power supply
  1. A:您得到供电所缴费,并支付一定的滞纳金。

    A : You have to go to the Power Supply Office for it with additional fine for delaying payment .

  2. VoIP技术在供电所数据网络中的应用

    Application of VoIP in data network of power supply stations

  3. [方法]用芬兰职业卫生研究所研制的工作能力指数(WAI)表和紧张自评量表(SCLS),对某供电所的498名不同劳动类型的职业人员进行调查分析。

    [ Methods ] Work ability and stress in 498 different professional workers were investigated with Work Ability Index ( WAI ) and Stress Check List for Self ( SCLS ) questionnaires .

  4. 供电所自动化管理系统的软件设计

    Software design for a automatic management system of a power station

  5. 供电所规范化管理系统软件应用解析

    Analysis on Application of Standardization Management System Software for Power Supply Company

  6. 供电所营销管理需要规范化

    Marketing Management of Power Supply Stations Needs to Be Standardized

  7. 供电所是供电企业进行服务的基层单位,是供电企业面向大众,服务社会的一个窗口,担负着供电企业部分资产管理、设备安全运行管理和电力营销等基本管理工作。

    Power supply office is the grass roots unit of power supply enterprise .

  8. 乡镇供电所管理信息系统的可行性探讨

    Feasibility of Management Information System of Electricity Supply Station in Town and Township

  9. 供电所管理信息系统的应用研究

    The Application Research of Mis of Power Supply Office

  10. 供电所数字化管理在河南的应用

    Application of Digital Management in Henan Power Station

  11. 屋主从当地供电所购买他还需要的电量。

    The homeowner buys whatever remaining electric power he needs from the local utility .

  12. 供电所职业人员工作能力与紧张程度的关系

    The Relationship between Work Ability and Perceived Stress in Workers of a Power Station

  13. 供电所电网地理信息系统应用研究

    The Study of the Power Supply Station GIS

  14. 基于网络的供电所运行培训系统

    Supply Substation Operating Training System Based on Network

  15. 沪西供电所信息管理系统介绍

    MIS for West Shanghai Power Supply Department

  16. 乡镇供电所线损管理经验探索

    Exploring the Experience of the Circuitry Wastage in Power Supply Station of Villages and Towns

  17. 农村供电所实施专业化管理是农电管理深化改革的重大举措,常州供电公司进行了有益的探索和实践。

    Implementing the professional management in rural power supply utilities is an important measure for deepening the rural power management reformation .

  18. 该系统加强了供电所的基础和专业管理,降低管理成本和劳动强度,提高了县供电企业的经济效益。

    The system strengthens the basis and professional management , reduces the management cost and labor intensity , and improves economic benefit .

  19. 所以对供电所管理信息系统的应用研究对提高供电所工作效率和管理水平有着重要的意义。

    So the application research of management information system ( MIS ) of power supply office is meaning to effective work and high-level management .

  20. 供电所担负着向测试厂房和发射场提供电力的任务,其工作的可靠性要求非常高。

    The power supply station takes on the tasks of supplying power for the launch field and testing factory , whose reliability is highly required .

  21. 它严格管理供电所变更的信息,必须经过流程方可进入到计费库中,进行相关的处理。

    It is strictly to manage change information of the power supply place , change information must be entered information flow before the process , the associated address .

  22. 集指设备、用户、线路、表计等信息由总公司统一管理、集中处理,散指电量电费结算等数据密集型工作由各供电所分散处理。

    Centralization means centralized management of equipments , lines and meters of the general electric power supply company while distribution distributed charging of electricity fees by its local branches .

  23. 由于供电所于县公司所使用的软件版本不统一,导致数据不能实现全公司范围内的数据共享。

    The data can 't realize the sharing in the range of the whole company because the software edition that power supply station and county company use did not unify .

  24. 本课题的目标就是利用分布式组件技术,针对目前供电所管理的改革实现一套三层C/S结构的供电所管理信息系统软件。

    The target of the subject is to accomplish a power supply station software based on three layer architecture considering the technology of distributing component and the reformation of power supply station .

  25. 因此,供电所低压线损管理必须采取一切科学的管理方法,把不合理的电能损失减少到最低,使线损率达到先进水平,实现节能降损。

    Therefore , the management of the low-voltage line loss of power stations must be carried out scientifically to minimize the unreasonable loss and line loss rate to an advanced level for energy saving .

  26. 该系统共包括数据中心管理系统、供电所营业系统、营业分析与预测系统、便携式售电系统、语音查询与催费系统、触摸屏查询系统六个子系统。

    There are six sub-systems : data center managing system , electricity providing bureau business system , business analyzing and predicting system , portable electricity selling system , voicing inquiring and charging system and touching-screen inquiring system .

  27. 以《供电所计算机营销管理系统》应用软件为例,就供电所计算机营销管理系统的需求分析、功能、实用化测试及改进完善进行了论证。

    In this article , the author Apples the software - 《 Computerized marketing Management System used by the Power supply stations 》 - as an example , demonstrates and analyses the demand and the applied test and function improvement and perfection for this system .

  28. 文章根据电力系统通信的现状,简要介绍了软交换在电力系统中的应用,重点讨论了扩展供电所之间、发电厂之间的话音交换的软交换应用的可行性。

    According to the present situation of electric power communication system , the paper briefly introduced the application of the soft-switch technology in electrical power system , and put stress on discussing the feasibility of soft-switch , which applied to voice switch between electric power companies and power plants .

  29. 由于交流供电在所加电压的每半周是完全对称的,所以这种原理所导致的HUM成分会两倍于市电频率(以及市电频率的偶次谐波)。

    Since heating power is symmetric for each half cycle of applied voltage , the principle component of this hum is twice the line frequency ( and even harmonics of the line frequency ) .

  30. 同时,可将PDA功能与供电营业所MIS进行联网,整合农电管理信息系统,以提高农电管理和客户服务水平。

    At the same time , it may carry on networking of the PDA function and power supply business office MIS , the conformity agricultural electricity management information system , in order to enhance the agricultural electricity management and the customer service level .