
  • 网络heating equipment;the heating system
  1. 工厂矿山采暖供热设备的估算方法

    Estimation Method Of Factory and Mine Heating Equipment 's Selection

  2. 2007年已被中国烘干供热设备协会评为中国优秀企业。

    In2007 , has been Chinese drying heating equipment association as the outstanding Chinese enterprise .

  3. 通过对旅馆热水供应设计小时耗热量的计算,和对某工程实例的介绍,作者认为小规模旅馆的热水小时变化系数Kh值偏大,从而直接影响供热设备的选型和系统设计。

    Through calculating hotels ' design heat consumption hourly of warm water and introducing a real project , this article considers that the architectural hourly changing coefficient of concentrate warm water supply in the " formula 4.3.2 " is relatively bigger .

  4. 供热设备的合理安装及运行故障的消除

    Reasonable Installation of Heat Supply Device and Elimination of Run Trouble

  5. 基于C/S的供热设备生产企业管理信息系统

    MIS of a Heat-supplying Equipment Enterprise Based on C / S

  6. 打开电灯、电视机、集中供热设备

    Turn on the light , television , central heating

  7. 集中供热设备是定时开关的。

    The central heating is on a time-switch .

  8. 你们的集中供热设备是煤气的还是用电的?

    Is your central heating gas or electricity ?

  9. 真空热水锅炉是一种安全节能的低温供热设备。

    Vacuum hot water boiler is an secure and energy-saving low temperature heat supply equipment .

  10. 他受到了热烈的欢送。热水器中的水泵将热水输送给集中供热设备。

    He was given a good send-off . A pump in the boiler send hot water round the central heating system .

  11. 科学、合理地选择供热设备,对饭店节能降耗、提高经济效益有重要的意义。

    There is an important meaning to economize energy resources , cut down consumption and raise economic benefit in hotels on selecting hot supply installation scientifically and rationally .

  12. 所有的房间都设有集体供热设备,并配有米你电冰箱,衣柜,简易椅子,桌子,椅子,书柜,窗帘和床。

    All are centrally heated and furnished with free standing furniture including a mini fridge , wardrobe , easy chair , desk , desk chair , shelves , curtains and bed .

  13. 作者在末尾对本文的研究内容进行了总结和展望,热泵作为温室的供热设备具有节能和环保等优点,在农业温室供热系统中应用前景广阔。

    Heat pumps , as greenhouse heating equipment , have the advantages of energy-saving and environmental protection . It can be applied to agricultural greenhouse warming system and has broad application prospects .

  14. 在分析了以生产供热设备为主的某公司的管理现状及需求的基础上,文章详细介绍了该公司管理信息系统的分析、设计与实现过程。

    This paper introduces in detail the processes of the analysis , design and implementation of the management information system based on the analysis of management situation and demand of a certain company .

  15. 供热设备应开发适用性广的散热器,发展低温地板辐射供热方式和远红外辐射供热设备,研制适合中国国情的热计量手段。

    The equipments providing heat should develop the radiator of applicability , develop low temperature floor radiation heating way and far red outside radiating heating equipments , and research heat measure method suiting the situation of our country .

  16. 本文以北京某办公楼改造为实例,从风冷热泵机组与水源热泵机组的特点、制冷供热设备工程初投资以及制冷供暖运行费用等方面对两种方案进行了比较。

    Taking the renovation project of an office building for example , this paper compares the characteristics of aircooling heat pump unit and water source heat pump unit , initial investment of refrigeration and heating equipment engineering and operation cost of refrigeration and heating .

  17. 针对在采暖供热设备能力允许的条件下如何提高实际采暖供热效率,通过理性的定性分析和探讨,认为应优先采用提高热水介质温度的方法,同时指出了相应的注意事项。

    Regarding to the question that how to enhance actual heat supply efficiency under the permissible equipment capacity and based upon qualitative analysis and discussion the method that regard the hot water as priority media is proposed to enhance heating efficiency . Meanwhile , some matters needing attention are proposed .

  18. 供热管系设备水冲击的现象及处理

    Appearance of Water Hammer in Heating Pipe Equipment and Disposition

  19. 供热、空调设备和系统的诊断

    Diagnose of Equipment and Systems for Air-conditioning and Heating

  20. 联合循环供热电厂水处理设备配置

    Configuration of water treatment equipment for combined cycle cogeneration power plants

  21. 供热及空调燃油设备中输油系统若干问题的研究

    The study of some problems of oil transmission system in the oil-burning equipment of heat supply and air conditioning

  22. 分析了供热系统中动力设备能耗偏高的原因,主要为低负荷率运行和阀门调节造成的节流损失;

    Analyses reasons that lead to dynamical equipments in heating system consume energy in the high side main are run with low load rates or control flow by valves ;

  23. 本文以单位蒸发量所服务的供热面积及所需供热设备为依据,对三种常用供热方式进行了技术经济分析,分析结果表明,城市供热应大力发展集中供热;

    According to the servicing heating area and required heating equipment by unit evaporating capacity , the technical and economical analysis is given about three heating methods .