
  • 网络supply system
  1. 我国航空油料供应体制现状及改革探析

    The Situation and Reform of Aviation Oil Supply System in Our Country

  2. 国民政府统治时期,其中小学教科书的供应体制经历了从审定制到国定制与审定制交互并行的转变过程。

    The primary and middle schools ' textbook supply system experienced a process from the examination and approbation system to the national-regulation system paralleling with the examination and approbation system during the Nationalist Government era .

  3. 把中国的石油市场放在世界石油市场的大背景下考量,并通过同美国石油市场体制的比较,可以更加清楚全面地认识我国石油供应体制。

    Our country 's petroleum supply system can be more clearly understood under the background of world petroleum market and by the comparison with American petroleum market system .

  4. 为了使经营趋向全球化发展,世界各大汽车厂商促进变革供应体制,实行全球的生产采购。

    In order to make the sales and management globally , all the auto enterprise from all over the world accelerate the transform system and implement the global purchasing .

  5. 提出了钻井系统建立质量成本、建立和改善质量体系、完善内部劳动机制和改进物资供应体制等设想。

    The author also gives some ideas about how to establish the quality cost system in drilling , establish and improve the quality system , perfect the inner labor management system and provision system .

  6. 针对当前山东省烟草物资的采购现状及其存在的诸多问题,迫切需要对现行的物资采购供应体制进行变革。

    In view of the current situation of tobacco materials purchasing and the problems it has caused in Shandong province , it is urgent to carry out the reform in current material purchasing and supply system .

  7. 根据我国石油产量和市场需求的实际情况,以保障石油安全为目标,论述了当前供应体制中的问题,提出打破垄断,建立现代石油市场等对策。

    According to the actual circumstances of national petroleum output and market demand , it discusses the existing problems in supply system , proposes the break of monopoly and establishing of modern petroleum market with the aim of guaranteeing petroleum security , etc.

  8. 目前这项工作远远不能满足工程的需要,因此,必须建立新的种苗生产供应体制和机制,强化种苗生产和供应的保障措施。

    At present , seeds and seedlings are far from satisfying the needs of the programme , so a new system of production and supply should be established and the measures for ensuring the production and supply of seeds and seedlings should be strengthened as well .

  9. 在改革开放的当今社会中,经济体制和计划供应体制都在进行着改革,这种改革的方向是:原来的计划经济转轨为市场经济,原来的计划供应转轨为市场竞争采购。

    Nowadays our society is being reformed and open to the world , both the economy and the planned supply are being reformed in the direction of the established planned economy is changed into marked economy , and the planned supply are converted into competitive purchase on the market .

  10. 以供应链体制重塑中国批发业

    To Reshape China 's Wholesale Section By Chain of Providing System

  11. 对国有大中型企业物资供应管理体制的思考

    Study on the goods supply system of large state-run enterprises

  12. 浅谈郑煤集团物资供应管理体制改革

    A Look into the reform of the management system of goods and materials supply in Zhengzhou Coal Industry Group

  13. 本文提出公司要建立三级成本管理责任中心,推行模拟市场经济核算,实行成本否决,改善资金、物资供应管理体制,从而提高企业的经济效益。采用即时招标保证物资供应

    This paper states that the corporation should build up a three & stage responsibility MAKING INVITING BID WHENEVER NECESSARY GUARANTEEING MATERIAL SUPPLY

  14. 作为特殊时期里市场经济和传统制度结合产生的畸形产物,由于缺乏有效的制度供应和体制安排,农民工的合法权益处于无法律屏障保护就成为一种常态。

    As an abnormal produce of market economy and traditional system in the special period , because lack effective system supply and arrange with system , peasant workers have always been in such a condition that their rights and interests are unable be protected by law .

  15. 在实施这一权利之前,中国承诺不采用使丝绸供应的现有体制更具限制性的任何变更。

    Pending the implementation of this right , China undertook not to introduce any changes of a more restrictive nature to the existing structures in place for the supply of silk .

  16. 目前苏北食品工业属于起步阶段,在技术、人才、原料供应,管理体制等方面存在许多问题。

    At present , the food industry in the area is at primary stage , and there are still many problems to be solved in terms of technology , personnel , provision of raw materials , management structure and so on .

  17. 随着社会经济的发展和产业结构的调整,长期来,作为上海港主要吞吐量的煤炭运输,在供应消费和运输体制上发生了很大的变化。

    With the development of the social economy and the adjustment of the industrial structure , the coal transport , as one of the main throughputs in Shanghai Port , has undergone great changes in its supply and consumption and its transport system .

  18. 划区供应与建制供应相结合体制对未来作战联勤保障的启示

    System of the combination of supplying according to the area with supplying in organic unit

  19. 开展当代中国石油供应史的研究,并提出供应体制存在问题的对策思路,将对改革和完善石油供应体制,保障石油供应具有一定的理论价值和现实意义。

    The research on petroleum supply of contemporary China and bringing up the countermeasures against the existing problems on the supply system , should be of current significance with theory value on reforming and perfecting supply system and guaranteeing petroleum supply .