
  • 网络Category Management;Category Managment
  1. 中国连锁超市基于ECR的品类管理研究

    Category Management Research Based on ECR for Chinese Chain Supermarkets

  2. 鉴于ETCHS公司的现状,建议从初级品类管理做起。

    Due to its current situation , it is recommended that ETCHS start with the primary stage of category management .

  3. 接着阐述ECR的相关概念、内容和要素组成,从而引出品类管理。

    After that , the concept , content and elements of ECR was given .

  4. 如今,Michaels品类管理高级副总裁费罗•帕帕斯称,这款产品的热销程度是该连锁店第二畅销产品的十倍。

    The kit is now selling ten times better than the chain 's next kids bestseller , says Philo Pappas , Michaels ' Executive Vice President of Category Management .

  5. 最后,针对关键商品、瓶颈商品、重要商品、常规商品的特性,将其与CPFR、JMI、VMI、传统库存管理模式进行匹配,充分体现了差异化品类管理的思想。

    Finally , according to the characteristics of key commodity , bottleneck commodity , important commodity and common commodity , we use the idea of category management to match them with CPFR , JMI , VMI and tradition inventory management .

  6. 之后着重论述了JL超市基于消费者行为的速冻品类管理的流程,包括品类定义、品类角色、品类评估和品类计分卡各步骤的实施情况。

    Afterwards , the category management process of JL chain store on frozen product based on consumer behavior is mainly elaborated , including category definition , category role , and the application status of category assessment and category score cards .

  7. 接着对JL连锁超市速冻食品的品类管理策略与战术,即六个品类策略和商品组合战术、品类陈列战术、商品定价战术、商品促销战术四个具体的品类战术进行了定性和定量的分析。

    Then the qualitative and quantitative analysis are conducted over the category management strategy and tactics on frozen food of JL chain store ; they are six category management strategies as well as combined commodity static , category display static , commodity pricing static and commodity promotion static .

  8. 随后,着重论述了品类管理的具体操作方法与技巧。

    Afterward , the methods and skills of CM were introduced .

  9. 连锁药店实施品类管理研究

    The Study of the Category Management in the Drug Chain Store

  10. 基于品类管理的制造商与零售商组织合作研究

    Study on the cooperation between manufacturer and retailer under category management

  11. 信息技术的发展促使了品类管理的快速发展。

    Information technology promotes the development of the category management .

  12. 有市场营销经验,销售经验,品类管理经验者优先;

    Working experience in marketing , sales , category management experience preferred ;

  13. 您认为改进品类管理有效性的最好的方法是什么?

    What is most needed to increase the effectiveness of category management ?

  14. 连锁超市品类管理及其应用研究

    Research on Category Management in Supermarket and Its Application

  15. 使用矩阵、图表和举例的方法,把品类管理定性方面的理论转化成可操作性很强的方法和手段;

    Transforming CM theory into operable methods with matrixes , tables and charts ;

  16. 利用数据仓库技术支持商业信息系统中的品类管理

    Using Data Warehouse Technology to Support Category Management in a Business Information System

  17. 有品类管理的经验。

    Have the experience to manage the range .

  18. 品类管理包括品类设置和添加产品到品类。

    Managing the catalog consists of setting up categories and adding products to those categories .

  19. 随着医药连锁行业竞争日趋激烈,品类管理的应用就显得尤为重要。

    Along with the pharmaceutical chain industry competition gradually vigorous , the application of category management is particularly important .

  20. 但由于品类管理这一特殊管理流程具备的一些特性,实际成功开展品类管理过程的供应商或零售商并不普遍。

    Because of some special characters of category management process , it is not widely launched by Chinese local retailers or manufacturers .

  21. 本案例对千方连锁药店实施品类管理的策略及实施品类管理的战术等进行了详尽的分析。

    The case has a detailed analysis of the strategies and tactics etc. in the implementation of category management of Qian Fang Chain Drugstore .

  22. 我需要完成包括实地销售、品类管理、市场调研及财务等多方面的亲身实践工作。

    I need to deal with hands-on assignments in many areas including field sales , category management , market research and finance , said Xue .

  23. 然后,介绍了品类管理的概念、效率策略以及对连锁超市的作用。随后,着重论述了品类管理的具体操作方法与技巧。

    Subsequently , the concept , efficient strategy and effects of CM were explained . Afterward , the methods and skills of CM were introduced .

  24. 在科学的品类管理理念的指导下,千方连锁药店实施品类管理取得了阶段性成果。

    Qian Fang Chain Drugstore has achieved gradual results in the implementation of category management under the guidance of the concept of scientific category management .

  25. 沃尔玛充分展示了其在供应链上节约成本的功夫后,又开始在品类管理上狠下功夫,来抢夺市场份额。

    Having written the book about taking costs out of the supply chain , Wal-Mart is now focusing on building growth categories and taking market share .

  26. 对零售商们来说,真正可以提高生意利润的重要因素,不是价格战,也不是花样繁多的促销战,而是服务与品类管理。

    To the retailers , the important factors to improve their profit is not " price war " or " war of promoting sale ", but service and category management .

  27. 进行品类管理的前提是顾客的需求,元素是商品的品类,而制造商与零售商的合作是实施品类管理的根本的保障。

    On the premise of category management is the demand of customer , elements and the category is merchandise manufacturer and retailer of cooperation is the fundamental guarantee of category management .

  28. 品类管理是零售业一种新兴的管理方式,是零售管理方面的进步,是现代超市零售行业提升竞争力的有力方法。

    Category management is a kind of new retail management mode of the retail management field , is a major breakthrough is the modern supermarket retail effective means to enhance their competitiveness .

  29. 品类管理同时也改变了传统的零售商与生产商之间对立的关系,强调零售商与生产商的共同合作,以消费者的需求为导向,通过电子信息的沟通,最终实现零售商与生产商的双赢。

    At the same time , category management changed the antagonistic relations between retailers and producers , emphasize cooperation between them , take the consumers ' need as their guide , and realize " common win " through electronic information .

  30. 品类管理的一个重要特征就是改善了供应商和零售商之间的关系,使二者之间关系由传统的对立关系转化为相互合作关系,主要表现在信息共享以及共建联合商务等方面。

    An important facet of Category Management is the shift in relationship between retailer and supplier : instead of the traditional adversarial relationship , the relationship moves to one of collaboration , exchange of information and data and joint business building .