
pǐn ɡuǎn
  • quality control
  1. CD快速检测在光盘复制品管工作的应用

    The application of CD Evaluator Replica 40X in disc quality management

  2. 本标准与CNS12680(ISO9000)系列的品管系统标准采用相同的管理系统原则。

    This international standard shares common management system principles with the ISO 9000 series of quality system standards .

  3. 工厂品管检验按照标准AQL或按照工业标准。

    QC inspects per standard AQL or as per industry standards .

  4. 专业于品管仪器的开发与研究,产品已通过ISO9001-2000国际质量体系认证。

    Professional quality control equipment in the development and research , product has passed ISO9001-2000 international quality system certification .

  5. 而市场上现有的商业软件存在一定的局限性,所以本研究通过数据库编程,开发出一套适宜公司运作的SPC品管网络控制系统。

    But some existing business software on the market have much certain limitation , so this research develops software named SPC QC Network Control System , which is very suitable for the company operation .

  6. 在巡检(IPQC)所执行品管在每一个操作过程。

    In-line inspections ( IPQC ) are performed by QC at every operation process .

  7. 品管圈;手术室;器械准备。

    Quality control circle ; The operating room ; Equipment preparation .

  8. 我们现在可以再检查一次过去的品管记录。

    We can check over the QC history again right now .

  9. 品管圈干预下纯母乳喂养对新生儿生理性黄疸的影响研究

    Quality Control Circle Intervention Exclusive Breastfeeding on Effects of Newborn Physiological Jaundice

  10. 在我们公司,品管就非常重要;

    At our company , quality control is very important .

  11. 品管部验证改善措施的执行情况和执行有效性。

    Quality management department verify execution status and effectiveness of improving measures .

  12. 和品管配合,处理客诉的问题。

    Cooperate with the QC team to deal with the aftersale problem .

  13. 指导监督品管检验员和车间检验员的日常工作。

    Supervise the daily inspection work of QC controller and workshop controller .

  14. 品管圈活动在药剂科制剂部门的应用与成效

    Application and Effects of QCC in Pharmaceutical Department in Hospital

  15. 接种剂商品化之程度与品管。

    Teach the agents and quality control of microbial inoculants .

  16. 培训经历:接受过品管相关知识培训。

    Trained experience : have been trained by quality management or relevant knowledge .

  17. 严格的品管控制与亲切的销受服务为我们的承诺。

    Trict quality control and friendly aftersales service are our commitments to customer .

  18. 负责品管部的日常运行及实验室的顺利运转。

    Department and the smooth running of the laboratory .

  19. 品管圈活动在提高中药饮片管理中的应用

    Application of Quality Control Circle Activity in the Management of Chinese Decoction Pieces

  20. 我们推翻了老旧的品管组织,因为他们已经过时了。

    We overthrow the old qc group , because they are out of date .

  21. 您的安心信赖,是名屋坚持品管的原动力。

    Your trust is Famous House 's motive power of insisting on quality control .

  22. 我们认为你们工厂需要采取措施来改善品管。

    And we think that your factory needs to take measures to improve quality control .

  23. 有品管相关知识。

    Being quality or relevant knowledge .

  24. 目的:探索品管圈在提高手术器械准备完善率中的应用。

    Objective : To investigate the function of quality control circle in the preparation of surgical instruments .

  25. 自动品管生产线上的利器,以重量作为品管的依据,益可多段选别级分级包装使用。

    An essential tool in automatic QC production line that uses weight as the quality control basis .

  26. 小陈:你相信这边的品管吗?我可完全不信。

    Chen : Do you trust the quality control here ? I , sure as hell , don 't.

  27. 并通过了ISO9001:2000质量管理体系认证,具有完善而严格的品管制度。

    And adopted the ISO9001:2000 quality management system certification , with a perfect and strict quality control system .

  28. 问:你有几年的市场调查/出口/品管经验?

    Q : How many years'experience do you have in market in vesting / export / quality control ?

  29. 品管部负责监督与检查各部门对相关方施加影响的效果。

    Quality Control Department is responsible for overseeing and inspection for the effects of influence on relevant parties .

  30. 目的探讨“品管圈”活动在护士长夜查房中的应用效果。

    Objective To explore the application and effect of quality control circle program in head nurses nighttime ward inspection .