
  • 网络Perception;awareness;Sense;sentience
  1. 作为平面设计中传递信息的符号,影像具有客观性、感知性、真实性等无可厚非的优势,图形则是一种可感、单纯而又简练的视觉语言,有着强烈的直观性和主动性。

    As a symbolic of information transmitting , photography have an absolute advantage in objectivity , perception , authenticity , etc. On the other hand , the graphics are a sensible , simple and concise visual language that is a strong intuition and initiative .

  2. 最后进行实地的调研研究,在实践中体会景观感知性的重要性和必要性。

    Finally , field research , experience in the practice of landscape perception of the importance and necessity .

  3. Agent对环境的感知性,能够根据环境变化调整自身的行为以及Agent之间良好的通信与协作。

    The environment sensitivity of Agent can adjust the behavior according to the change of environment and ensure good communication and cooperation with the Agent .

  4. 此信息使用具有Jazz感知性的富文本编辑器以非结构化的方式在Overview页面上进行捕获。

    This information is captured on the Overview page in an unstructured way using an artifact-aware text editor .

  5. 针对用于图像版权保护中的数字水印存在不可感知性和鲁棒性之间的矛盾问题,提出了一种基于DCT变换和混沌系统的零水印算法。

    For digital watermarks have a contradiction between existence and robustness in image copyright protection , we proposed a zero-watermarking algorithm based on DCT transform and chaotic system .

  6. 本文在讨论第二代WWW的核心技术&VRML的基础上,分析了它对Internet上的CSCW应用的影响,特别是在提高Internet上协同工作环境中用户交互的感知性和交互性方面的作用。

    In this paper , we discuss the VRML which is the core technology of the Second Generation WWW. Then we analysis its influence on the CSCW application on Internet , especially the influence of user awareness and interaction .

  7. 选取分块HT的变换系数作为水印嵌入的特征集,通过密钥控制下的具体区间的选择和多步长的量化嵌入,实现了多水印的不可感知性和鲁棒性的优化。

    The block HT coefficients are selected as the watermark embedding feature collections , and the tradeoff between the imperceptibility and robustness are achieved by the segments selection under control of the keys and quantization embedding for multi-step .

  8. 最后将音频水印技术应用在DRM系统中进行了仿真,实验仿真结果表明:量化音频水印算法完全适应DRM在不可感知性和鲁棒性的要求。

    Finally , simulation of the audio watermarking technology in DRM system is conducted and the simulation results show that the quantized audio watermarking algorithm can completely adapt to the non-sensible and robust requirements in DRM .

  9. 不可感知性和鲁棒性是评价数字水印技术的主要指标。

    Imperceptibility and robustness are the main features of the digital watermark .

  10. 数字图像水印不可感知性评价方法研究

    Study of Imperceptibility Evaluation of Watermark in Watermarked Digital Image

  11. 由于电信产品的不可感知性和复杂性。

    Because the telecommunication product can 't the feeling sense and complexity .

  12. 信息隐藏技术是解决重要目标图像信息网上传输安全的一种有效手段,隐藏的信息量和不可感知性是一个矛盾的两个方面。

    Information hiding technology is an effective method for image security in network transmission .

  13. 同时,在图像的重要小波系数嵌入水印以保证不可感知性和鲁棒性。

    The watermark is embedded onto the important wavelet coefficients to ensure invisibility and robustness .

  14. 实验结果表明该隐藏算法具有良好的不可感知性和较大的隐藏容量。

    The experimental results show that the algorithm can provide high imperceptibility and large hiding capacity .

  15. 因此,隐写要求良好的不可感知性和尽可能大的嵌入量。

    Therefore , the main requirement of steganography is good imperceptibility and extents to its largest embedding capacity .

  16. 提出了一个基于亮度/色度空间的彩色图像水印不可感知性评价方法YCPSNR。

    An imperceptibility evaluation of watermark in watermarked color image which based on brightness / chromaticity space was proposed .

  17. 神经系统学家告诉我们,大脑在不断进化,在这个过程中,大脑通过采用感知性捷径,节约能量。

    Neuroscientists tell us that as our brains evolved , they learned to take perceptual shortcuts to save energy .

  18. 认知性聚焦在填补感知性聚焦不足的同时,也合理解释了报告文学叙事的艺术想象。

    Cognitive focused on filling a perceived focus problems at the same time , also explain the reportage narrative art imagination .

  19. 约瑟夫(胃肠病学家、十六世纪文学专家),在莎士比亚的42部主要作品中都找到了有关感知性不适的描述。

    The former gastroenterologist and expert on16th-century literature looked for descriptions of sensory ailments in all42 of Shakespeare 's major works .

  20. 同时算法选择了自适应嵌入使得水印的鲁棒性和不可感知性达到了更好的平衡。

    Meanwhile considering the balance between the imperceptibility and the robustness of the audio watermarking , the adaptive adjustments were used for embedded watermarking .

  21. 为了满足鲁棒性和不可感知性之间的平衡,使用人类视觉模型自适应地调节水印的嵌入强度。

    To satisfy the balance between the robustness and the imperceptivity , the HVS model is used to adaptively adjust the watermark embedding strength .

  22. 具备环境感知性和一组据此管理的目标之后,就可以开始进行虚拟化的实际工作(和价值)了。

    Once we have situational awareness and a set of goals to manage against , the real work ( and value ) of virtualization can begin .

  23. 鲁棒性、不可感知性和安全性是数字水印的三个基本特征,目前的研究也大都是针对这几个基本特征的优化来开展的。

    Generally , imperceptibility , robustness and security are the three basic characters of watermarking . Many researches are carried on to optimize these characters now .

  24. 具有生命周期感知性的可自定义系统,该系统在生命周期中发生阶段更改时触发验证,以便能够自动化逐个阶段的治理验证。

    A customizable life cycle-aware system that triggers validations on the change of phase within the life cycle so that phase-by-phase governance validations can be automated .

  25. 在实证科学语境下,“客观性”的真实含义是“可公共感知性”和“与主体无关性”。

    In the view of the modern science , the real meanings of " objectivity " are " public-perceivable " and " unrelated with concrete subject " .

  26. 实验结果表明,算法对几何攻击和常规图像处理攻击的鲁棒性都很强,并且不可感知性也满足要求。

    Experiment results show the algorithm is both robust to geometric attacks and common image processing , meanwhile , the imperceptibility of the algorithm can meet the request .

  27. 文章运用审美意象的理论分析诸葛亮的感知性、想象性、悲剧性。

    It tries to explain the character of sense impressions , imagination and tragedy in aesthetic figure of Zhu - ge Liang by the use of aesthetic theory .

  28. 目前的数字水印技术在水印嵌入过程中,大都改变了原始数字作品的信息,使得数字水印所具有的鲁棒性和不可感知性之间不可避免地发生了冲突。

    At present , the original digital works are changed in the process of embedding watermarks , which inevitably brings the conflict between the robustness and imperceptibility of digital watermarking .

  29. 在指纹嵌入技术研究中,采用了小波变换技术及扩频嵌入算法,使指纹嵌入到数字作品后具有良好的不可感知性及稳健性,并用相关检测算法提取指纹。

    In fingerprint embedding , we adopted the DWT technique and spread spectrum algorithm that make the fingerprint embedded into data imperceptible and robust , and in the extracting process used correlating algorithm .

  30. 基于变换域的算法具有不可感知性好和鲁棒性强的优点,而基于融合函数的算法具有嵌入量大的优点,实验结果表明本文算法兼有两者的优点,且该算法的原理简单易操作。

    Algorithms based on the transform domain are of good imperceptibility and strong robustness , while the fusion is of large capacity . Experimental results show that this algorithm has their both advantages .