
  • 网络Big Hong Kong;Greater Hong Kong;The Battle Among the Clans
  1. 香港环境保护署指出,大香港空调还在使用氢氯氟烃,而使用对环境危害更低的制冷剂。

    The EPD said a large percentage of Hong Kong 's air conditioners also use hydro chlorofluorocarbons ( HCFCs ), but less-harmful refrigerants are available .

  2. 这一产品的潜在市场越来越大。香港政府统计处(CensusandStatisticsDepartment)的数据表明,预计65岁及以上人口在总人口中占比将从2006年的12%上升至2036年的26%。

    The potential market is growing , as Hong Kong expects the percentage of its population aged 65 and over to increase to 26 % in 2036 from 12 % in 2006 , according to the Census and Statistics Department .

  3. 因为面积大概只有卢森堡那么大,香港在持续填海造地,好为720万人口创造更多空间。

    With an area about the size of Luxembourg , Hong Kong is continuously reclaiming land from the sea , making more space for its 7.2 million people .

  4. 哈工大,清华,浙大,中科大,香港科大的五个实验室,分别覆盖了不同的领域。它有大小不同的会议室。

    Harbin Industrial University , Qinghua University , Zhejiang University , Technology University of China , Technology University of Hong Kong , and they cover five different fields .

  5. 在这方面,香港地处重要位置,有意在中国和亚洲其他地方叁与经济活动的法国商界朋友,大可以香港为挢梁,大展拳脚。

    In this respect , Hong Kong is strategically located for French business who wish to take part in the economic activities in China and the rest of Asia .

  6. 今年5月,这只大鸭子在香港展出后便拥有了大批的中国粉丝。

    It won lots of Chinese fans after being displayed in Hong Kong 's Victoria Harbour in May .

  7. 他认为这个包容的大气氛反映香港人是务实和积极的。

    He considered that this new mood of accommodation reflected the pragmatism of Hong Kong people and their forward-looking spirit .

  8. 订户及中大同意接受香港特别行政区法庭之专有审判权。

    Subscriber and CUHK agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Hong Kong Special Administrative region .

  9. 中国通过阻止其大城市达到香港或东京的经济密度来鼓励产业而不是服务。

    In favouring industry over services , China may have prevented its big cities achieving the economic density of a Hong Kong or Tokyo .

  10. 但在现阶段来看,这些风险应不会大至影响香港的货币及金融稳定。

    However judged at this stage , these risks were unlikely to be so large as to threaten monetary and financial stability in Hong kong .

  11. 大批量的香港内地合拍片不仅使香港电影本身的身份产生动摇,还改变了中国电影的产业格局。

    Mass co-produced films by Hong Kong and the Mainland have not only shaken the identity of Hong Kong film , but also changed the situation of Chinese film industry .

  12. 香港有世界最繁忙的运输港口和世界最繁忙的运输机场,虽然面积小,但香港是世界第十大贸易商。香港是亚洲最有竞争力的城市之一。

    Hong Kong has the world 's busiest port and the world 's busiest airport for cargo and despite its tiny size , Hong Kong is the world 's tenth largest trader And Hong Kong is one of the most competently run cities in Asia .

  13. 我相信希腊局势不会对内地股市有那么大的影响,香港资深股票经纪人安迪·黄(AndyWong)说。

    I do not believe the situation in Greece has that big an impact on the mainland stock market , said Andy Wong , a longtime Hong Kong stockbroker .

  14. 第三,中国最近放宽了对合格境内机构投资者(qdii)的规定,赋予中国金融机构投资境外股票的更大自由度,香港预计将从中受益。

    Third , Hong Kong can expect to benefit from the recent relaxation in qualified domestic institutional investor rules giving Chinese institutions greater freedom to invest in overseas equities .

  15. 保普选、反占中大联盟得到了香港特首梁振英(LeungChun-ying)的支持,并在香港各个地区设立了签名站,签名活动计划到8月中旬结束。

    The alliance has been endorsed by Leung Chun-ying , chief executive , and has set up signing stations across the city that it plans to run until mid-August .

  16. 其士九江大酒店是由香港其士集团独资经营之四星级酒店。

    Four-star Chevalier Jiujiang Hotel , is managed by Chevalier Group , Hong Kong .

  17. 投机商人利用石油短缺大捞一笔香港石油产品代理商会有限公司

    Profiteers cashed in during the gasoline shortage . Hong Kong Association of Petroleum Product Dealers Limited

  18. 香港城市大学(城大)是在香港的综合性研究型大学。

    City University of Hong Kong ( CityU ) is a comprehensive research university in Hong Kong .

  19. 中国企业的集团化,载于《中国大趋势》,香港商务印书馆,1997年。

    Conglomeration of China 's Enterprises , in Megatrend in China ,( in Chinese ), Hong Kong : The Commercial Press , 1997 .

  20. 该报道称,“凯旋门”这套公寓的单价打破了去年11月某套公寓每平方英尺售价39800美元的记录,之前的这套公寓面积稍大,地处香港岛。

    The flat 's price beat the record of39,800 dollars per square foot set last November for a larger apartment on Hong Kong island , according to the report .

  21. 近年来,恶劣天气比以往更为严重的袭击各大城市—从香港的飓风,纽约的暴风雪再到里约热内卢的热浪。

    In recent years , bad weather has hit cities harder than ever-from hurricanes in Hong Kong and snowstorms in New York to heat waves in Rio de Janeiro .

  22. 在奉行自由贸易政策的大前提下,香港特区发展对外贸易关系的方向,是确保特区在海外市场的贸易权益获得保障,并且履行有关的国际义务。

    Within the context of its free trade policy , the Government aims at ensuring that Hong Kong 's trading rights in overseas markets are safeguarded and its international obligations fulfilled .

  23. 再者,港大毕业生对于建设香港这个现代化大都会一直不遗余力,亦间接成为了祖国发展的一大资产。

    In addition , HKU graduates have played essential parts in building the great modern metropolis of Hong Kong , which in turn has proved to be an asset to its motherland .

  24. 对于两地交易所以及支持两地资本市场更大程度融合的香港政府官员而言,h股和a股之间的价格差距已成为最引人关注的问题。

    The price discrepancies between securities trading in both Hong Kong and China have become ' exhibit a ' for both exchange and Hong Kong government officials who argue for greater integration of the two capital markets .

  25. 8月2日早上7点,香港中环的路边监测站录得的空气污染指数为212,创下自2010年3月大范围浮尘袭击香港以来该市的最高污染值。那次浮尘天气给香港带来了大范围的有害空气。

    At 7 a.m. on Thursday , roadside monitoring stations in the city 's Central district recorded air-pollution index readings of 212 , an extreme not seen in the area since dust storms hit Hong Kong in March 2010 , bringing with them a cloud of noxious air .

  26. 丰明银行为大新集团成员之一。大新集团为香港一家具规模的金融服务集团,主要经营银行及保险业务。

    MEVAS Bank is a member of The Dah Sing Group , which is a leading financial services group in Hong Kong , active in the banking and insurance business .